PHP code example of mindertech / laravel-aliyun-dysms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mindertech/laravel-aliyun-dysms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mindertech / laravel-aliyun-dysms example snippets

return [
    'access_key_id' => '',
    'access_key_secret' => '',
    'sign' => '',
    'log' => false,
    'sms-report-queue' => '',
    'sms-up-queue' => '',

    'product' => 'Dysmsapi',
    'domain' => '',
    'region' => 'cn-hangzhou',
    'end_point_name' => 'cn-hangzhou',
    'mns' => [
        'account_id' => '1943695596114318',
        'product' => 'Dybaseapi',
        'domain' => '',
        'wait_seconds' => 3

    try {
        $bizId = SendSms::to('SMS_123456', '18688886666', [
            'code' => mt_rand(1000, 9999)
    } catch(\Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
    $page = 1;
    $pageSize = 1;
    $bizId = null;
    $result = QuerySms::search('18688886666', '20180516', $page, $pageSize, $bizId);
        try {
            $bizId = SendSmsBatch::to(
                            'sign-1', 'sign-2'
                                'code' => mt_rand(1000, 9999)
                                'code' => mt_rand(1000, 9999)
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
     * 回调
     * @param stdClass $message 消息数据
     * @return bool 返回true,则工具类自动删除已拉取的消息。返回false,消息不删除可以下次获取
    SmsQueue::up(function($message) {
          "dest_code": "2199787"
          "send_time": "2018-05-16 18:05:13"
          "sign_name": "signname"
          "sp_id": null
          "sequence_id": 531571249
          "phone_number": "18688886666"
          "content": "回复测试"
        return true;
     * 回调
     * @param stdClass $message 消息数据
     * @return bool 返回true,则工具类自动删除已拉取的消息。返回false,消息不删除可以下次获取
    SmsQueue::report(function($message) {
          "send_time": "2018-05-16 14:18:57"
          "report_time": "2018-05-16 14:19:02"
          "success": true
          "err_msg": "用户接收成功"
          "err_code": "DELIVERED"
          "phone_number": "18688886666"
          "sms_size": "1"
          "biz_id": "48490846451537371^0"
          "out_id": null
        return true;
        try {
            $bizId = SendSms::setRuntimeConfig([
                'access_key_id' => 'id',
                'access_key_secret' => 'key'
            ])->to('SMS_123456', '18688886666', [
                'code' => mt_rand(1000, 9999)
        } catch(\Exception $e) {
            echo $e->getMessage();
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Mindertech\Dysms\MindertechDysmsServiceProvider