PHP code example of milkme / thinkphp-migration

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download milkme/thinkphp-migration library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


milkme / thinkphp-migration example snippets

// /config/migration.php

use think\facade\Env;
return [
    'environments'  =>  [
        'default_migration_table'   =>  'phinxlog',
        'default_database'          =>  'default',
        'default'   =>  [
            'adapter'       =>  Env::get('database.type', 'mysql'),
            'host'          =>  Env::get('database.hostname', ''),
            'name'          =>  Env::get('database.database', ''),
            'user'          =>  Env::get('database.username', ''),
            'pass'          =>  Env::get('database.password', ''),
            'table_prefix'  =>  '',
            'port'          =>  Env::get('database.port', '3306'),
            'charset'       =>  'utf8mb4',
            'collation'     =>  'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'
        ] ,


return [
    'milkme\phinx\MigrationService' ,
] ;

php think migrate:breakpoint --e development

php think migrate:breakpoint --e development --r

php think migrate:create MyNewMigration

php think migrate:rollback --e development

php think migrate:rollback --e development --d 2012
php think migrate:rollback --e development --d 201201
php think migrate:rollback --e development --d 20120103
php think migrate:rollback --e development --d 2012010312
php think migrate:rollback --e development --d 201201031205
php think migrate:rollback ---e development --d 20120103120530

php think seed:create UserSeeder

php think seed:run