PHP code example of mikehaertl / defaultpersister

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mikehaertl/defaultpersister library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mikehaertl / defaultpersister example snippets



// Will merge with already saved defaults


// true indicates that only safe attributes should be loaded

$model->resetDefaults();       // Reset all defaults
$model->resetDefaults('name'); // Reset specific attribute

public function behaviors()
    return array(

public function actionUserList()
    $filter=new User('filter');

    // Set filter attributes on Ajax request and save them as default
    if (($isAjax=isset($_GET['ajax'])) && isset($_GET['User']))
        if (!$filter->validate())   // Invalid filter settings!

    // Similar to the search() method in Yii's default CRUD models,
    // this method creates a CActiveDataProvider from the current
    // attribute values:

    if ($isAjax)
        // render only the partial for the data grid:
        // render complete view with filter and data grid