PHP code example of midoelhawy / laravel-query-to-csv

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download midoelhawy/laravel-query-to-csv library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


midoelhawy / laravel-query-to-csv example snippets


// Using eloquent query to get the select with eloquent builder. It's not at You can use DB facade which is explained in next point 2.
$builder = Employees::select('id','name', 'designation','salary');
// Initialize QueryToCsv with Query Builder
$exportObj = QueryToCsv::setQueryBuilder($builder);
// Set csv export path
// If folder is not mentioned, it will be looked up from "default-folder" configration specified in config/querytocsv.php
$fileName = 'users'; //Required | No need to add .csv extension
$folderName = 'csv-export'; //Optional | No need to add slashes before or after
$exportObj->setExportFile($fileName, $folderName);
//Set column headers for export csv | It should match the order and count of columns selected in query builder ->select()
    'Employee Id',
    'Full Name',
    'Anual Salary'
// This will generate and download the CSV directly in response from controller
return $exportObj->downloadSheetAsResponse();

//OR if you do not want to download the csv in response, but just generate the csv and get the file path, you can use following instead of ->downloadSheetAsResponse()
$filePath = $exportObj->generateSheetAndGetFilePath();

// You can use DB facade instead of Eloquent like below | It's not ','salary')
// Initialize QueryToCsv with Query Builder
$exportObj = QueryToCsv::setQueryBuilder($builder);
// Set csv export path
// If folder is not mentioned, it will be looked up from "default-folder" configration specified in app/config/querytocsv.php
$fileName = 'users'; //Required | No need to add .csv extension
$folderName = 'csv-export'; //Optional | No need to add slashes before or after
$exportObj->setExportFile($fileName, $folderName);
//Set column headers for export csv | It should match the order and count of columns selected in query builder ->select()
    'Employee Id',
    'Full Name',
    'Anual Salary'
// This will generate and download the CSV directly in response from controller
return $exportObj->downloadSheetAsResponse();

//OR if you do not want to download the csv in response, but just generate the csv and get the file path, you can use following instead of ->downloadSheetAsResponse()
$filePath = $exportObj->generateSheetAndGetFilePath();

// Raw queries are not suggested to be used, but the option is available if anyone specifically needs it
// The package internally checks for common SQL injections performed
$rawQuery = "SELECT `id`,`name`, `designation`,`salary` FROM employees ORDER BY `name` DESC";
// Initialize QueryToCsv with Query Builder
$exportObj = LargeExport::setRawQuery($rawQuery);
// Set csv export path
// If folder is not mentioned, it will be looked up from "default-folder" configration specified in app/config/querytocsv.php
$fileName = 'users'; //Required | No need to add .csv extension
$folderName = 'csv-export'; //Optional | No need to add slashes before or after
$exportObj->setExportFile($fileName, $folderName);
//Set column headers for export csv | It should match the order and count of columns selected in query builder ->select()
    'Employee Id',
    'Full Name',
    'Anual Salary'
// This will generate and download the CSV directly in response from controller
return $exportObj->downloadSheetAsResponse();

//OR if you do not want to download the csv in response, but just generate the csv and get the file path, you can use following instead of ->downloadSheetAsResponse()
$filePath = $exportObj->generateSheetAndGetFilePath();

php artisan vendor:publish