PHP code example of middlewares / error-handler

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download middlewares/error-handler library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


middlewares / error-handler example snippets

use Middlewares\ErrorFormatter;
use Middlewares\ErrorHandler;
use Middlewares\Utils\Dispatcher;

// Create a new ErrorHandler instance
// Any number of formatters can be added. One will be picked based on the Accept
// header of the request. If no formatter matches, the first formatter in the array
// will be used.
$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler([
    new ErrorFormatter\HtmlFormatter(),
    new ErrorFormatter\ImageFormatter(),
    new ErrorFormatter\JsonFormatter(),
    new ErrorFormatter\PlainFormatter(),
    new ErrorFormatter\SvgFormatter(),
    new ErrorFormatter\XmlFormatter(),

// ErrorHandler should always be the first middleware in the stack!
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher([
    // ...
    function ($request) {
        throw HttpErrorException::create(404);

$request = $serverRequestFactory->createServerRequest('GET', '/');
$response = $dispatcher->dispatch($request);

$errorHandler = new ErrorHandler([
    new ErrorFormatter\HtmlFormatter(),
    new ErrorFormatter\JsonFormatter()