PHP code example of middlebury / dynamic-add-users

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download middlebury/dynamic-add-users library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


middlebury / dynamic-add-users example snippets

$userInfo = dynamic_add_users()->getDirectory()->getUserInfo($externalUserId);
$wordpressUser = dynamic_add_users()->getUserManager()->getOrCreateUser($userInfo);

 * Action: Set/unset roles and capabilities for the user based on groups.
 * This plugin will call
 *   doAction('dynamic_add_users__update_user_on_login', $user, $groups)
 * when a user logs in. Below is an example implementation.
 * @param WP_User $user
 * @param array $groups
function dynamic_add_users__update_user_on_login(WP_User $user, array $groups) {
  // Example: Let institution users do something.
  if (in_array('CN=institution,OU=General,OU=Groups,DC=middlebury,DC=edu', $groups)) {
  // For all other users disallow this capability.
  else {

 * Filter: Filter directory results when searching for users.
 * Each match is an array like:
 *  [
 *    'user_login' => '',
 *    'user_email' => '',
 *    'user_nicename' => '',
 *    'display_name' => '',
 *  ]
 * This plugin will call
 *   apply_filters('dynamic_add_users__filter_user_matches', $matches)
 * when searches against the directory are run. Below is an example
 * implementation.
 * @param array $matches
 * @return array The filtered matches.
function dynamic_add_users__filter_user_matches($matches) {
  // Example: Filter out accounts prefixed with 'guest_'.
  $results = [];
  foreach ($matches as $match) {
    if (!preg_match('/^guest_[a-z0-9]{31,34}$/i', $match['user_login'])) {
      $results[] = $match;
  return $results;

 * Filter: Filter directory results when searching for groups.
 * Each matches is an array of group ID => display name. Keys and values depend
 * on the directory implementation and should not have their format assumed.
 * Examples:
 *  [
 *    '100' => 'All Students',
 *    '5' => 'Faculty',
 *  ]
 * or
 *  [
 *    'cn=All Students,OU=Groups,DC=middlebury,DC=edu' => 'All Students',
 *    'cn=Faculty,OU=Groups,DC=middlebury,DC=edu' => 'Faculty',
 *  ]
 * This plugin will call
 *   apply_filters('dynamic_add_users__filter_group_matches', $matches)
 * when searches against the directory are run. Below is an example
 * implementation.
 * @param array $matches
 * @return array The filtered matches.
function dynamic_add_users__filter_group_matches($matches) {
  // Example: Filter out groups prefixed with 'xx' or 'zz'.
  $results = [];
  foreach ($matches as $id => $displayName) {
    if (!preg_match('/^(xx|zz).+$/i', $displayName)) {
      $results[$id] = $displayName;
  return $results;