PHP code example of micropackage / ajax

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download micropackage/ajax library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


micropackage / ajax example snippets

use Micropackage\Ajax\Response;

function ajax_action_handler() {
	$response = new Response();

	// Handle nonce.
	$response->verify_nonce( $action = 'my_action', $query_arg = 'noncefield', $send_if_failed = true );

	// Do some checks and immediately send an error.
	if ( something_is_wrong() ) {
		$response->error( 'Error message' );

	// This is never reached.
	$response->send( 'All good' );


use Micropackage\Ajax\Response;

function ajax_action_handler() {
	$response = new Response();

	// Do some checks.
	if ( something_is_wrong() ) {
		$response->add_error( 'Error message' );

	// Do some checks.
	if ( something_else_is_wrong() ) {
		$response->add_error( 'Whoah!' );

	// If no error added, the below message will be sent.
	$response->send( 'All good if no errors' );


use Micropackage\Ajax\Response;

function ajax_action_handler() {
	$response = new Response();
	$response->send( $data_array );