PHP code example of michaldoda / laravel-s3-thumbnail

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download michaldoda/laravel-s3-thumbnail library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


michaldoda / laravel-s3-thumbnail example snippets

# resources/article/some-view.blade.php
{{ $article->yourImageModel->getThumbnailHtml('article_main') }}

# it will produce

<picture data-alt="Description">
    <source srcset="/storage/thumbnails/pk.../bc9400.../w600.jpeg" media="(max-width: 600px)">
    <img src="/storage/thumbnails/pk.../bc9400.../default.jpeg" alt="Description">

# app/Models/YourImageModel.php
use MichalDoda\LaravelS3Thumbnail\ThumbnailInterface;
use MichalDoda\LaravelS3Thumbnail\ThumbnailTrait;

class YourImageModel extends Model implements ThumbnailInterface
    use ThumbnailTrait;
    public function getS3ImagePath(): string
        return $this->path;

    public function getImageAltDescription(): ?string
        return $this->alt;

# config/s3-thumbnail.php
'thumbnails' => [
   'article_main' => [
            'max_width' => 'default',
            'quality' => 50,
            'filters' => [
                'resize' => [
                    'width'  => 550,
            'max_width' => 600,
            'quality' => 50,
            'filters' => [
                'resize' => [
                    'width'  => 350,
        // ...

 * It is a default Laravel local disk name.
 * If you are using different disk for local purpose then please update the value.
'local_disk' => 'local',
 * It is a default Laravel s3 disk name.
 * If you are using different disk for s3 file system then please update the value.
's3_disk' => 's3',
 * It is a default Laravel public disk name.
 * If you are using different disk for public purpose then please update the value.
'public_disk' => 'public',
 * It will create directory ./storage/app/public/thumbnails.
 * There will be placed all thumbnails generated by the package.
 * If you already use one of the path below then please update the value.
 * ./storage/app/public/thumbnails
 * ./public/storage/thumbnails
'public_path' => 'thumbnails',
 * It will create directory ./storage/app/originals.
 * There will be placed all images retrieved from AWS S3 disk.
 * If you already use path ./storage/app/originals then please update the value.
'originals_path' => 'originals',
 * Default format for thumbnails.
 * Available options: webp, jpeg
'default_format' => 'webp',
 * Default quality for thumbnails.
 * It will be used only if single thumbnail configuration does not have own value.
'default_quality' => 80,
 * Thumbnails configuration.
'thumbnails' => [
     * Reduce image quality to 70% for all screens
    'article_main' => [
            'max_width' => 'default',
            'quality' => 70,
            'filters' => [],
     * Reduce image quality to 70% for screens viewport > 480px
     * Reduce image quality to 50% for screens viewport <= 480px
    'article_main_another' => [
            'max_width' => 'default',
            'quality' => 70,
            'filters' => [],
            'max_width' => 480,
            'quality' => 50,
            'filters' => [],
     * Reduce image quality to 70% for all screens
     * Resize to width 550px
    'article_suggestions1' => [
            'max_width' => 'default',
            'quality' => 70,
            'filters' => [
                'resize' => [
                    'width'  => 550,
     * Reduce image quality to 70% for all screens
     * Resize to width 650
     * Crop 550x400
    'article_suggestions2' => [
            'max_width' => 'default',
            'quality' => 70,
            'filters' => [
                'resize' => [
                    'width'  => 650,
                'crop' => [
                    'width' => 550,
                    'height' => 400,