PHP code example of meuhmeuhconcept / processor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download meuhmeuhconcept/processor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


meuhmeuhconcept / processor example snippets

$object; // The object is the reason of your request.

$request = ['action' => 'validate', 'item' => $object];

$chainProcessor; // We considere that this processors is already init with several processors

$request; // We considere that you already build the request

if ($chainProcessor->supports($request) { // Test if the processor can do the job
    $response = $chainProcessor->proccess($request); //Do the job

use Mmc\Processor\Component\ResponseStatusCode;

if ($response->getStatusCode() == ResponseStatusCode::OK) {
    // the job had been correctly done.
} else {
    $reasonPhrase = $response->getReasonPhrase();
    // The message who explain the cause of the status code



use Mmc\Processor\Component\Processor;
use Mmc\Processor\Component\Response;
use Mmc\Processor\Component\ResponseStatusCode;

class CustomProcessor implements Processor
    public function supports($request)
        // With the $request you have to decide if this processor can do the job

        // i.e.
        return $request instanceof MyClass;

    public function process($request)
        // Advice : check the method 'supports'
        if (!$this->supports($request)) {
            return new Response($request, null, ResponseStatusCode::NOT_SUPPORTED);

        // do the job

        // and return the Response

        return Response($request, $output); // $output had been create during the job was doing

$chainProcessor->add(new CustomProcessor());

use Mmc\Processor\Component\AbstractProcessor;

class CustomProcessor extends AbstractProcessor
    public function supports($request)
        // With the $request you have to decide if this processor can do the job

        // i.e.
        return $request instanceof MyClass;

    protected function doPocess($request)
        // No need to check if $request is supported

        // do the job

        // and return the Response
        // or nothing for bad response
        // or throw exception for bad response
        // or directly the ouput for bood response

use Mmc\Processor\Component\Processor;
use Mmc\Processor\Component\ProcessorTrait;

class CustomProcessor implements Processor
    use ProcessorTrait;

    public function supports($request)
        // With the $request you have to decide if this processor can do the job

        // i.e.
        return $request instanceof MyClass;

    protected function doPocess($request)
        return $this->otherMethod($request);

// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new Mmc\Processor\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\MmcProcessorBundle(),

    // ...

    return $bundles;