PHP code example of metglobal / dto-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download metglobal/dto-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


metglobal / dto-bundle example snippets

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Metglobal\DTOBundle\DTOBundle::class => ['all' => true],

 * @Parameter(scope="query", path="testPath")
public $differentName;

namespace Metglobal\Compass\Request;

use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Annotation\Parameter;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Request;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Undefined;

 * @Parameter(scope="query")
class DummyRequest implements Request
    * @Parameter(type="int")
    * @var int|null
    public $foo;
    * @Parameter(type="int")
    * @var int|null
    public $bar;

namespace Metglobal\Compass\Request;

use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Annotation\Parameter;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Request;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Undefined;

class DummyRequest implements Request
    * @Parameter(scope="query", undefined=true)
    * @var string|null|Undefined
    public $foo;

namespace Metglobal\Compass\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class DummyController extends Controller
   * @Route("/dummy/{id}", 

namespace Metglobal\Compass\Request;

use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Annotation\Parameter;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Annotation\PostSet;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Annotation\PreSet;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\CallableRequest;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Undefined;

 * @Parameter(scope="query")
class DummyRequest implements CallableRequest
   * @Parameter(type="int")
   * @var int|null
   public $foo;

   public $bar;

   public $baz;

    * @var \DateTime|null
    * @Parameter(type="date", options={format="Y-m-d"}) 
   public $fooBar;

   public function call(...$args)
       [ $fooService, $barService ] = $args;

        $this->foo = $fooService->aMethod($barService->bMethod($this->foo));

    * This method will run before setting the parameters 
    * @PreSet()
   public function preSetXMethod(){
       $this->baz = 1;

    * This method will run after setting the parameters
    * @PostSet()
   public function postSetXMethod(){
       $this->baz = 5;

namespace Metglobal\Compass\Request;

use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Annotation\Parameter;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\CallableRequest;
use Metglobal\DTOBundle\Undefined;

 * @Group("fooGroup")
 * @Parameter(scope="query")
class DummyRequest implements CallableRequest
    * @Parameter(type="int", undefined=true)
    * @Group(target="barGroup")
    * @var int|null|Undefined
   public $foo;

    * @Group(disabled=true)
   public $bar;

   public $baz;
   /** @var array */
   public $fooGroup;

    'baz' => 'bazValue',

    'foo' => 'fooValue',