PHP code example of metabytes-sro / epost-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download metabytes-sro/epost-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


metabytes-sro / epost-api example snippets

// Authenticate
/** @var League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken $token */
$token = $this->fetchAccessToken();

// Create letter and envelope
$letter = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Letter();
$envelope = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\Envelope();
    ->setSystemMessageTypeNormal()  // For sending an electronic letter *OR*
    ->setSystemMessageTypeHybrid()  // For sending a physical letter
    ->setSubject('Example letter');

// Add recipients for normal letter
$recipient = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\Envelope\Recipient\Normal::createFromFriendlyEmail('John Doe <[email protected]>');


// Set recipients and delivery options for printed letter
$recipient = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\Envelope\Recipient\Hybrid();


// Set delivery options
$deliveryOptions = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\DeliveryOptions();
    ->setRegisteredStandard()   // This will make the letter sent as "Einschreiben ohne Optionen"
    ->setColorColored()         // To make it expensive
    ->setCoverLetterIncluded(); // The cover letter (with recipient address block) is 

// Prepare letter
    ->setCoverLetter('This is an example');

// Set attachments

// Create and send letter
try {

} catch (GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e) {
    $errorInformation = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody());

$priceInformation = $letter->queryPriceInformation();


$postageInfo = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Metadata\PostageInfo();
$letter = new MetabytesSRO\EPost\Api\Letter();
$priceInformation = $letter->queryPriceInformation();


    ->create() // Yeah, it must be created beforehand, so we have a "letterId"

$letter = new EPost\Api\Letter();