PHP code example of mercadopago / dx-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mercadopago/dx-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mercadopago / dx-php example snippets

    // Step 1: Require the library from your Composer vendor folder
    use MercadoPago\Exceptions\MPApiException;
    use MercadoPago\MercadoPagoConfig;

    // Step 2: Set production or sandbox access token
    // Step 2.1 (optional - default is SERVER): Set your runtime enviroment from MercadoPagoConfig::RUNTIME_ENVIROMENTS
    // In case you want to test in your local machine first, set runtime enviroment to LOCAL

    // Step 3: Initialize the API client
    $client = new PaymentClient();

    try {

        // Step 4: Create the request array
        $request = [
            "transaction_amount" => 100,
            "token" => "YOUR_CARD_TOKEN",
            "description" => "description",
            "installments" => 1,
            "payment_method_id" => "visa",
            "payer" => [
                "email" => "[email protected]",

        // Step 5: Create the request options, setting X-Idempotency-Key
        $request_options = new RequestOptions();
        $request_options->setCustomHeaders(["X-Idempotency-Key: <SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>"]);

        // Step 6: Make the request
        $payment = $client->create($request, $request_options);
        echo $payment->id;

    // Step 7: Handle exceptions
    } catch (MPApiException $e) {
        echo "Status code: " . $e->getApiResponse()->getStatusCode() . "\n";
        echo "Content: ";
        echo "\n";
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();

use MercadoPago\Client\Common\RequestOptions;
use MercadoPago\Client\Payment\PaymentClient;
use MercadoPago\Exceptions\MPApiException;
use MercadoPago\MercadoPagoConfig;


$client = new PaymentClient();

$request = [
    "transaction_amount" => 100,
    "token" => "YOUR_CARD_TOKEN",
    "description" => "description",
    "installments" => 1,
    "payment_method_id" => "visa",
    "payer" => [
        "email" => "[email protected]",

$request_options = new RequestOptions();
$request_options->setCustomHeaders(["X-Idempotency-Key: <SOME_UNIQUE_VALUE>"]);

$payment = $client->create($request, $request_options);

    // Do your stuff here
} catch (MPApiException $e) {
    // Handle API exceptions
    echo "Status code: " . $e->getApiResponse()->getStatusCode() . "\n";
    echo "Content: ";
    echo "\n";
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handle all other exceptions
    echo $e->getMessage();

use MercadoPago\MercadoPagoConfig;
use MercadoPago\Client\Preference\PreferenceClient;
use MercadoPago\Exceptions\MPApiException;

protected function authenticate()
    // Getting the access token from .env file (create your own function)
    $mpAccessToken = getVariableFromEnv('mercado_pago_access_token');
    // Set the token the SDK's config
    // (Optional) Set the runtime enviroment to LOCAL if you want to test on localhost
    // Default value is set to SERVER

// Function that will return a request object to be sent to Mercado Pago API
function createPreferenceRequest($items, $payer): array
    $paymentMethods = [
        "excluded_payment_methods" => [],
        "installments" => 12,
        "default_installments" => 1

    $backUrls = array(
        'success' => route('mercadopago.success'),
        'failure' => route('mercadopago.failed')

    $request = [
        "items" => $items,
        "payer" => $payer,
        "payment_methods" => $paymentMethods,
        "back_urls" => $backUrls,
        "statement_descriptor" => "NAME_DISPLAYED_IN_USER_BILLING",
        "external_reference" => "1234567890",
        "expires" => false,
        "auto_return" => 'approved',

    return $request;

public function createPaymentPreference(): ?Preference
    // Fill the data about the product(s) being pruchased
    $product1 = array(
        "id" => "1234567890",
        "title" => "Product 1 Title",
        "description" => "Product 1 Description",
        "currency_id" => "BRL",
        "quantity" => 12,
        "unit_price" => 9.90

    $product2 = array(
        "id" => "9012345678",
        "title" => "Product 2 Title",
        "description" => "Product 2 Description",
        "currency_id" => "BRL",
        "quantity" => 5,
        "unit_price" => 19.90

    // Mount the array of products that will integrate the purchase amount
    $items = array($product1, $product2);

    // Retrieve information about the user (use your own function)
    $user = getSessionUser();

    $payer = array(
        "name" => $user->name,
        "surname" => $user->surname,
        "email" => $user->email,

    // Create the request object to be sent to the API when the preference is created
    $request = createPreferenceRequest($item, $payer);

    // Instantiate a new Preference Client
    $client = new PreferenceClient();

    try {
        // Send the request that will create the new preference for user's checkout flow
        $preference = $client->create($request);

        // Useful props you could use from this object is 'init_point' (URL to Checkout Pro) or the 'id'
        return $preference;
    } catch (MPApiException $error) {
        // Here you might return whatever your app needs.
        // We are returning null here as an example.
        return null;

    $client = new PreferenceClient();