PHP code example of melbahja / seo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download melbahja/seo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


melbahja / seo example snippets

use Melbahja\Seo\Schema;
use Melbahja\Seo\Schema\Thing;

$schema = new Schema(
    new Thing('Organization', [
        'url'          => '',
        'logo'         => '',
        'contactPoint' => new Thing('ContactPoint', [
            'telephone' => '+1-000-555-1212',
            'contactType' => 'customer service'

echo $schema;

use Melbahja\Seo\Schema;
use Melbahja\Seo\Schema\Thing;

$product = new Thing('Product');
$product->name  = "Foo Bar";
$product->sku   = "sk12";
$product->image = "/image.jpeg";
$product->description = "testing";
$product->offers = new Thing('Offer', [
    'availability' => '',
    'priceCurrency' => 'USD',
    "price" => "119.99",
    'url' => '',

$webpage = new Thing("WebPage", [
    '@id' => "",
    'url' => "",
    'name' => 'Foo Bar',

$schema = new Schema(

echo json_encode($schema, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

use Melbahja\Seo\MetaTags;

$metatags = new MetaTags();

        ->title('PHP SEO')
        ->description('This is my description')
        ->meta('author', 'Mohamed Elabhja')

echo $metatags;

$yourmap = new Sitemap(string $url, array $options = []): SitemapIndexInterface

use Melbahja\Seo\Sitemap;

$sitemap = new Sitemap('', ['save_path' => '/path/to_save/files']);

$sitemap->links('blog.xml', function($map)

// return bool
// throws SitemapException if save_path options not exists

use Melbahja\Seo\Sitemap;

$sitemap = new Sitemap('');

// Instead of passing save_path to the factory you can set it later via setSavePath
// also $sitemap->getSavePath() method to get the current save_path

// changing sitemap index name

// For images you need to pass a option images => true
$sitemap->links(['name' => 'blog.xml', 'images' => true], function($map)
            ->image('/uploads/image.jpeg', ['caption' => 'My caption'])

    // image(string $url, array $options = []), image options: caption, geo_location, title, license
    // see References -> images

// another file
$sitemap->links('blog_2.xml', function($map)
    // Mabye you need to loop through posts form your database ?
    foreach (range(0, 4) as $i)


$sitemap = (new Sitemap(''))

$sitemap->links(['name' => 'posts.xml', 'videos' => true], function($map)
    $map->loc('/posts/clickbait-video')->video('My Clickbait Video title',
        // or thumbnail_loc
        'thumbnail' => '',
        'description' => 'My description',
        // player_loc or content_loc one of them is 

use Melbahja\Seo\Factory;

$sitemap = Factory::sitemap('',
    // You can also customize your options by passing array to the factory like this
    'save_path' => './path',
    'sitemaps_url' => '',
    'index_name' => 'news_index.xml'

$sitemap->news('my_news.xml', function($map)
    // publication: name, language
    // Google quote about the name: "It must exactly match the name as
    // it appears on your articles on"
    $map->setPublication('PHP NEWS', 'en');

       'title' => 'PHP 8 Released',
       'publication_date' => '2019-03-01T15:30:02+01:00',

        'title' => 'PHP 8 And High Performance',
        'publication_date' => '2019-04-01T15:30:02+01:00'


use Melbahja\Seo\Ping;

$ping = new Ping;

// the void method send() will inform via CURL: google, bing and yandex about your new file

use Melbahja\Seo\Indexing;

$indexer = new Indexing('www.example.cpm', [
    '' => 'your_api_key_here',
    '' => 'your_api_key_here',

// index single url.

// index multi urls.