PHP code example of meeeet-dev / laravel-facebook-catalog

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download meeeet-dev/laravel-facebook-catalog library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


meeeet-dev / laravel-facebook-catalog example snippets

use MeeeetDev\LaravelFacebookCatalog\LaravelFacebookCatalog;

LaravelFacebookCatalog::setTitle('Example feed');
LaravelFacebookCatalog::setDescription('Example feed of the Example shop');

    'link' => '',
    'id' => 'SKU123',
    'title' => 'Foo bar',
    'image_link' => '',
    'description' => 'Foo bar best product',
    'availability' => 'in stock',
    "price" => 99.99,
    'brand' => 'Foo brand',
    'condition' => 'new',

return LaravelFacebookCatalog::display();

    "id" 	            		        => "", // Unique Example SKU
    "title" 	            		    => "", // Max 200 Characters, recommend 65 maximum
    "description"            	        => "",
    "rich_text_description"             => "", // A description of the item containing rich text (HTML) formatting
    "availability"           	        => "in stock", // values: in stock, out of stock
    "condition" 	            	    => "new", // values: new, refurbished, used
    "price" 		            	    => 0.00,
    "link"		                        => "",
    "image_link"		                => "",
    "brand" 		            	    => "",
    // ll,
    "sale_price_effective_date"         => null,
    "item_group_id"                     => null,
    "status"                            => null, // Values: active, archived (or staging)
    "additional_image_link"             => null, // separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), space ( ) or vertical bar (|)
    "gender"                            => null, // female, male, unisex
    "color"                             => null, // The main colour of the item. Describe the colour in words, not a hex code. Character limit: 200.
    "age_group"                         => null, // Values: adult, all ages, teen, kids, toddler, infant, newborn.
    "material" 	                        => null, // The material the item is made from, such as cotton, polyester, denim or leather
    "pattern"	                        => null, // The pattern or graphic print on the item
    "shipping"                          => null,
    "shipping_weight"                   => null,