PHP code example of mediagone / types-collections

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mediagone/types-collections library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mediagone / types-collections example snippets

IntCollection::fromArray([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
    ->where(fn($n) => $n > 4)
    ->select(static fn($n) => $n * 10)
    ->forEach(static fn(int $n) => var_dump($n));

// Outputs:
//   int(50)
//   int(60)
//   int(70)
//   int(80)
//   int(90)
//   int(100)

use App\Foo;
use Mediagone\Types\Collections\ClassCollection;

class FooCollection extends ClassCollection
    protected static function classFqcn() : string
        return Foo::class;

 * @extends ClassCollection<Foo>
class FooCollection extends ClassCollection

$collection = StringCollection::new();

$collection = StringCollection::fromArray(['item1', 'item2', '3']);
// Outputs:
//   array(3) {
//     [0] => string(5) "item1"
//     [1] => string(5) "item2"
//     [2] => string(1) "3"
//   }

// Throws a TypeError exception because this collection accepts only integer instances
$collection = IntCollection::fromArray([1, 2, 'invalid item']);

$collection = StringCollection::fromRepeatedValue('something', 3);
// Outputs:
//   array(3) {
//     [0] => string(9) "something"
//     [1] => string(9) "something"
//     [2] => string(9) "something"
//   }

$collection = IntCollection::fromRange(2, 5);
// Outputs:
//   array(5) {
//     [0] => int(2)
//     [1] => int(3)
//     [2] => int(4)
//     [3] => int(5)
//   }

$collection = StringCollection::fromArray(['item1', 'item2']);

// Add a value at the end of the collection

// Add a value at the start of the collection

// Outputs:
//   array(4) {
//     [0] => string(5) "item0"
//     [1] => string(5) "item1"
//     [2] => string(5) "item2"
//     [3] => string(5) "item3"
//   }