PHP code example of mdantas / express-request

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mdantas/express-request library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mdantas / express-request example snippets

public function bootstrap(): void
    //... other codes.

class DomainsTable extends Table implements ExpressRepositoryInterface {
    public function getFilterable(): FiltersCollection
        return new FiltersCollection([
            new BooleanFilter('active'),
            new SearchFilter('name', SearchFilter::START_STRATEGY),
            new SearchDateFilter('created_at'),
            new NumberFilter('price'),
            new SearchInFilter('type')

    public function getSelectables(): array
        return [


public function index()
    // The finder need to be a method what return a Cake\ORM\Query object.
    return $this
                'findDomainsByCompany', // Finder model method optional
                $companyId // Optional

public function anotherWay() {
   // We can make our filtering by request expressions
   $collection = $this->ExpressRequest->search(
   $query = $collection->getQuery();

   // And can implement our needed things above user api expressions.
   $query->where(['id' => 1]);
   return $this->responseJson($collection);

public function alternative()
    // Request and Model now is taked from controller.
    // Need status code
    // Return a ResponseInterface from psr with json data on body.
    return this->ExpressRequest->getResponse(200);

$routes->scope('/', function (RouteBuilder $builder) {
    $builder->get('/domains', ['controller' => 'Domains', 'action' => 'index']);

// http://localhost:8765/domains?price=140..3000&sort[price]=asc&type[not]=profit&size=1

  "data": [
      "id": "dee7b40b-df70-33b7-90e0-1d13a4b13693",
      "name": "Azevedo e Pacheco",
      "company_id": "2130a414-828a-4ae3-a3a6-5f153fe25ad8",
      "city_id": 2507705,
      "created_at": "2010-02-12T21:18:44+00:00",
      "modified_at": null,
      "price": "291.600",
      "type": "purchase"
  "meta": {
    "total": 103,
    "per_page": 1,
    "current_page": 1,
    "last_page": 103,
    "first_page_url": "http://localhost:8765/domains?price=140..3000&sort%5Bprice%5D=asc&type%5Bnot%5D=profit&size=1&page=1",
    "next_page_url": "http://localhost:8765/domains?price=140..3000&sort%5Bprice%5D=asc&type%5Bnot%5D=profit&size=1&page=2",
    "last_page_url": "http://localhost:8765/domains?price=140..3000&sort%5Bprice%5D=asc&type%5Bnot%5D=profit&size=1&page=103",
    "prev_page_url": null,
    "path": "http://localhost:8765/domains",
    "from": 1,
    "to": 1

// localhost/domains?props=name,price,created_at - Select only this three fields.

// localhost/domains?sort[name]=asc
// localhost/domains?sort[name]=asc&sort[price]=desc

// http://localhost:8765/domains?nested=users,comments //Get data with relationship

// localhost/domains?price=100 - Exact by 100
// localhost/domains?price=100..200 - Between 100 and 200
// localhost/domains?price[lt|gt|lte|gte]=100 - filter less, great, less than or great than.

new SearchFilter('name')
// localhost/domains?name=null - WHERE name IS NULL
// localhost/domains?name[is]=null - WHERE name IS NULL
// localhost/domains?name[not]=null - WHERE name IS NOT NULL

class SearchFilter implements FilterTypeInterface
    use ProcessableFilterTrait;

    const PARTIAL_STRATEGY = 'partial';
    const START_STRATEGY = 'start';
    const END_STRATEGY = 'end';
    const EXACT_STRATEGY = 'exact';

new SearchFilter('name') - Exact is default
// localhost/domains?name=marcos - Exact by marcos
new SearchFilter('name', SearchFilter::PARTIAL_STRATEGY)
// localhost/domains?name=marcos - add a %value% by like method.
new SearchFilter('name', SearchFilter::START_STRATEGY) 
// localhost/domains?name=marcos - add a value% by like method.
new SearchFilter('name', SearchFilter::END_STRATEGY) 
// localhost/domains?name=marcos - add a %value by like method.

// localhost/domains?name=marcos - name in('marcos')
// localhost/domains?name=marcos,github - name in('marcos', 'github')
// localhost/domains?name[not]=marcos,github - name not in('marcos', 'github') 

// localhost/domains?created_at=2019 - by init of 2019 year.
// localhost/domains?created_at=2019-01 - by init of Jan/2019 year.
// localhost/domains?created_at=201903 - by init of Mar/2019 year.
// localhost/domains?created_at=2019-01-12 - by day 12 of Jan/2019 year.
// localhost/domains?created_at=20190315 - by day 15 of Mar/2019 year.
// localhost/domains?created_at[lte]=20190315 - search by operators: [lt, lte, gt, gte]
// localhost/domains?created_at[lte]=20190315&created_at[gte]=20190315 - search by operators: [lt, lte, gt, gte]

    'pagination' => true,
    'maxSize' => 100, // Max number of per page.
    'size' => 20, // default numbers of items per page
    'ssl' => true, // generate routes with ssl by default,
    'cacheConfig' => 'default', // cache config
    'cache' => true, // Enable or disable cache
    'reserved' => [  // If you need to use one o more of this keywords, change to alias.
        'size' => 'size',
        'page' => 'page',
        'props' => 'props',
        'nested' => 'nested',
        'sort' => 'sort'

public function initialize()
    // ...code
    $this->loadComponent('ExpressRequest.ExpressRequest', [
        'ssl' => false,
        'maxSize' => 30,
        'reserved' => [
            'props' => 'fields'