PHP code example of mbretter / acme2-library

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mbretter/acme2-library library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mbretter / acme2-library example snippets

use Karl\Acme2;
use Karl\Acme2\Resources;

$acme = new Acme2\Acme(); // without any args letsencrypt staging urls are used

$acme = new Acme2\Acme(true); // for letsencrypt production use

$acme = new Acme2\Acme(''); // for any other acme compatible CA

$acme = new Acme2\Acme(true, $myHttpClient); // use your own http client

$acme = new Acme2\Acme();

$key = new Acme2\Key\RSA($pemKey);

$account = new Resources\Account($acme)
$accountData = $account->lookup();

$acme = new Acme2\Acme();

$key = new Acme2\Key\RSA($pemKey);

$accountData = $acme->account()->lookup();

$acme = new Acme2\Acme();

$key = new Acme2\Key\RSA(); // we use an RSA key
$pem = $key->getPem(); // get the PEM, store your key somewhere

$acme->setKey($key); // acme needs a key to operate

$accountData = $acme->account()->create([
    'termsOfServiceAgreed' => true, 
    'contact' => ['mailto:[email protected]']
$kid = $accountData->url; // acme uses the account url as keyId

$acme = new Acme2\Acme();

$key = new Acme2\Key\RSA($pemKey);

$info = $acme->account()->lookup();
if ($info !== null)
    $key->setKid($info->url); // account location is used as kid

$acme = new Acme2\Acme();
$key = new Acme2\Key\RSA($pemKey);

$account = new Resources\Account($acme);

$acme = new Acme2\Acme();
$key = new Acme2\Key\RSA($pemKey);

$newOrder = $acme->order()->addIdentifier(null, ''); // create a new order object 
$acme->order()->addIdentifier($newOrder, ''); // add another identifier

$orderData = $acme->order()->create($newOrder);

$orderUrl = $orderData->url; // store the orderUrl somewhere

$newOrder = $acme->order()->addIdentifier(null, '*');

$orderData = $acme->order()->create($newOrder);

$orderUrl = $orderData->url; // store the orderUrl somewhere

$order = new Acme2\Resources\Order($acme);

$orderData = $order->get($orderUrl);


$orderData = $acme->order()->get($orderUrl);

foreach ($orderData->authorizations as $a)
    $authData = $acme->authorization()->get($a);

    printf("authorization for: %s\n", $authData->identifier->value);

    $challengeData = $acme->authorization()->getChallenge($authData, 'dns-01');
    if ($challengeData === null)

    // you have to add the $authKey to the DNS TXT record
    $authKey = $acme->challenge()->buildKeyAuthorization($challengeData);
    printf("DNS auth key is: %s\n", $authKey);

    // tell the CA to validate the challenge

    $challengeData = $acme->authorization()->getChallenge($authData, 'http-01');
    if ($challengeData === null)

    // you have to put the $authKey to the well known path
    $authKey = $acme->challenge()->buildKeyAuthorization($challengeData);
    printf("HTTP auth key is: %s\n", $authKey);

    // tell the CA to validate the challenge