PHP code example of maxsky / umeng-service

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maxsky/umeng-service library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maxsky / umeng-service example snippets

// 示例 Laravel/Lumen 框架获取 POST 请求中 platform 参数
$platform = $request->post('platform', 'Android'); // 请求中获取所属平台 Android/iOS

// 一键登录 Token,由 App 方传入
$token = $request->post('token');

// 转成大写
$platform = strtoupper($platform);

// 获取平台 App Key,Laravel/Lumen 中设置环境配置 UMENG_IOS_APP_KEY=123456 和 UMENG_ANDROID_APP_KEY=654321。供参考
$platformKey = env("UMENG_{$platform}_APP_KEY");

try {
    // 成功时返回手机号码
    $mobileNumber = OneKeyLogin::getInstance(
        // 获取一键登录所需 App Key 及 App Secret
        // 设置证书文件所在位置,需注意命名。此处在 Laravel/Lumen 框架中为:项目目录/storage/app/oklogin
        ->oneKeyLogin($platform, $token);
} catch (UMengServiceException $e) {
    Log::error('一键登录异常,错误消息:' . $e->getMessage());

    throw new Exception('获取手机号码失败');

try {
    $broadcast = new AndroidBroadcast();

    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('appkey', 'AppKey');
    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('timestamp', time());
    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('ticker', 'Android broadcast ticker');
    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('title', '中文的 title');
    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('text', 'Android broadcast text');
    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('after_open', 'go_app');

    // Set 'production_mode' to 'false' if it's a test device.
    // For how to register a test device, please see the developer doc.
    $broadcast->setPredefinedKeyValue('production_mode', 'true');

    // [optional] Set extra fields
    $broadcast->setExtraField('test', 'helloworld');

    $result = $broadcast->send();

    if ($result['ret'] === 'SUCCESS') {
        // 成功
} catch (UMengServiceException $e) {
    Log::error('推送异常,错误消息:' . $e->getMessage());

    throw new Exception('推送失败');