PHP code example of maxfactor / support

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maxfactor/support library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maxfactor / support example snippets

use Maxfactor\Support\Model\Traits\HasActiveState;


public function viewInactive($user, $model)
    if (config('maxfactor-support.canViewInactive')) {
        return true;

    // Your logic... (Gate::allows() etc)

    return false;

use Maxfactor\Support\Model\Traits\CanBeFeatured;


use Spatie\EloquentSortable\Sortable;
use Maxfactor\Support\Model\Traits\HasSortOrder;

class Category extends Model implements Sortable
    use HasSortOrder;


$results = Model::sorted()->get();

return view('my.view')->with('page', $model)


@render('maxfactor:webpage::browserTitle', ['title' => Arr::get($page ?? [], 'browserTitle', config(''))])

@render('maxfactor:webpage::metaDescription', ['description' => Arr::get($page ?? [], 'metaDescription')])

// Define our additional fields in the resource.
protected function additionalMetaFields()
    return [
        Text::make('Example Meta Content'),

// Inside the resources fields() function we can pass in our additional fields as a parameter.

public function seeds()
    return array_merge(parent::seeds(), [[
        'name' => __('Branch finder'),
        'url' => route('branch.index'),
    ], [
        'name' => $this->navTitle,
        'url' => route('', $this),

// Branch Controller
$branch->seed($name = __('Audiologists'), $url = route('branch.audiologists', $branch), $status = null);

// config/maxfactor-support.php
'homeBreadcrumb' => 'Home',

public function baseCanonical()
    return route('', $this);



// Assuming the current url is

Maxfactor::urlWithQuerystring('', $allowedParameters = 'page=[^1]');

// returns

namespace App\Console;

use Maxfactor\Support\Webpage\Commands\MakeSitemap;

class Sitemap extends MakeSitemap
     * Populate the sitemap. This method should be overloaded to add content.
     * @param Sitemap $sitemap
     * @return void
    public function populate($sitemap)
        // $sitemap->add('/url');

'enforceDomainsStatusCodes' => [

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'auth.environment' => \Maxfactor\Support\Webpage\Middleware\EnvironmentAuth::class,

    // config/auth.php

    | Environments
    | Determine which environments should be password protected.

    'environments' => [

// App\Page.php

class Page extends Model implements Maxfactor\Support\Webpage\Contracts\SearchResult
    use Maxfactor\Support\Webpage\Traits\IsSearchResult;

    // Implement the public function getResultSummaryAttribute()
        return $this->summary;

    public function getResultUrlAttribute()
        return $this->mapped_url;

    public function getResultImageAttribute()
        return $this->image;

$results = Search::for($query)->in([
    Article::published(), // Builder
    app(Page::class), // Model

$results = Search::for($query)->in([
    Article::published(), // Builder
    app(Page::class), // Model