PHP code example of mautic / transifex

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mautic/transifex library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mautic / transifex example snippets

use Mautic\Transifex\ApiFactory;
use Mautic\Transifex\Config;
use Mautic\Transifex\Transifex;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\UriFactoryInterface;

$client = new ClientInterface(); // or any PSR-18 HTTP client
$requestFactory = new RequestFactoryInterface(); // or any PSR-17 Request factory
$streamFactory = new StreamFactoryInterface(); // or any PSR-17 Stream factory
$uriFactory = new UriFactoryInterface(); // or any PSR-17 URI factory
$config = new Config();
$transifex = new Transifex($client, $requestFactory, $streamFactory, $uriFactory, $config);

use Mautic\Transifex\Config;
$config = Config::fromEnv();

use \Mautic\Transifex\Connector\Resources;
$resources = $transifex->getConnector(Resources::class);
\assert($resources instanceof Resources);

use Mautic\Transifex\Connector\Resources;

$resources = $transifex->getConnector(Resources::class);
\assert($resources instanceof Resources);

$response = $resources->getAll();
$body     = json_decode($response->getBody()->__toString(), true);

$response = $resources->create('Resource A', 'resource-a', 'INI');
$body     = json_decode($response->getBody()->__toString(), true);

use Mautic\Transifex\Promise;
use Mautic\Transifex\Exception\ResponseException;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

$response = $resources->uploadContent('resource-a', "something=\"Something\"\nsomething.else=\"Something Else\"\n");
$promise  = $transifex->getApiConnector()->createPromise($response);
$promises = new \SplQueue();
$promise->setFilePath('/some/file.ini'); // In the real world it is useful to map your file to this promise. Useful for later processing.
$promises->enqueue($promise); // In the real world, there would be multiple promises.
usleep(500000); // Give Transifex a 1/2 second so we make 1 request instead of 2.
    function (ResponseInterface $response, Promise $promise) {
        echo "Resource for {$promise->getFilePath()} was uploaded successfully";
    function (ResponseException $exception, Promise $promise) {
        echo "Resource upload for {$promise->getFilePath()} failed with {$exception->getMessage()}";

$response = $resources->delete('resource-a');

use Mautic\Transifex\Connector\Translations;

$translations = $transifex->getConnector(Translations::class);
\assert($translations instanceof Translations);

$response = $translations->upload(self::RESOURCE_SLUG, 'cs', "something=\"Něco\"\n");
$promise  = $transifex->getApiConnector()->createPromise($response);
$promises = new SplQueue();
$promise->setFilePath('/some/file.ini'); // In the real world it is useful to map your file to this promise. Useful for later processing.
$promises->enqueue($promise); // In the real world, there would be multiple promises.
usleep(500000); // Give Transifex a 1/2 second so we make 1 request instead of 2.
    function (ResponseInterface $response, Promise $promise) {
        echo "Translation for {$promise->getFilePath()} was uploaded successfully";
    function (ResponseException $exception, Promise $promise) {
        echo "Translation upload for {$promise->getFilePath()} failed with {$exception->getMessage()}";

$response = $translations->download(self::RESOURCE_SLUG, 'cs');
$promise  = $transifex->getApiConnector()->createPromise($response);
$promises = new SplQueue();
$promise->setFilePath('/some/file.ini'); // In the real world it is useful to map your file to this promise. Useful for later processing.
$promises->enqueue($promise); // In the real world, there would be multiple promises.

usleep(500000); // Give Transifex a 1/2 second so we make 1 request instead of 2.

// Assert that the translation content was downloaded successfully.
    function (ResponseInterface $response) use (&$successCounter, &$translationContent) {
        $translationContent = $response->getBody()->__toString();
        echo "Translation for {$promise->getFilePath()} was downloaded successfully. Here's the content:\n{$translationContent}";
    function (ResponseException $exception) {
        echo "Translation download for {$promise->getFilePath()} failed with {$exception->getMessage()}";