PHP code example of matthiasmullie / ogone

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download matthiasmullie/ogone library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


matthiasmullie / ogone example snippets

 * Build your Ogone object; you'll need to do this to build the submission form
 * as well as to process the result from Ogone.

// order details
$orderID = 1;
$amount = 50;
$currency = 'EUR';

// your Ogone config setup (see Ogone class phpdoc for more info)
$pspId = '<your-PSP-id>';
$shaIn = '<your-SHA-In>';
$shaOut = '<your-SHA-Out>';
$digest = 'SHA512'; // value can be either SHA1', 'SHA256' or 'SHA512
$environment = 'test'; // value can be either 'test' or 'prod'
$method = 'post'; // value can be either 'get' or 'post'
$verification = 'each'; // value can be either 'main' or 'each'

// create Ogone-object
use MatthiasMullie\Ogone;
$ogone = new Ogone\Ogone($orderID, $amount, $pspId, $currency, $shaIn, $shaOut, $digest);

// define test or production (for real payments) Ogone environment

 * Initialize a payment: build the form data to submit to Ogone.

// add parameters (see parameter list:
// here are some sample parameters
$ogone->setParameter('LANGUAGE', 'nl');
$ogone->setParameter('CN', 'Matthias Mullie');
$ogone->setParameter('EMAIL', '[email protected]');
$ogone->setParameter('OWNERADDRESS', '');
$ogone->setParameter('OWNERZIP', '');
$ogone->setParameter('OWNERTOWN', '');
$ogone->setParameter('OWNERCTY', '');
$ogone->setParameter('ACCEPTURL', '');
$ogone->setParameter('DECLINEURL', '');
$ogone->setParameter('EXCEPTIONURL', '');
$ogone->setParameter('CANCELURL', '');
$ogone->setParameter('TP', '');
// ...

// build form to submit
$form = '<form method="POST" action="'.$ogone->getEnvironment().'">';
$parameters = $ogone->getFormParameters();
foreach($parameters as $key => $value) {
	$form .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$value.'" />';
$form .= '<input type="submit" value="Pay with Ogone">';
$form .= '</form>';

 * Verify a payment.

// verify the SHA signature
if($ogone->isCorrectSHA()) {
	// fetch all details retrieved from Ogone...
	$ogoneResponse = $ogone->getDetail(); // no parameter

	// ... or retrieve a specific value
	$status = $ogone->getDetail('status'); // 'status' parameter

	// your business logic here