PHP code example of matomo / cache

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download matomo/cache library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


matomo / cache example snippets

$options = array('directory' => '/path/to/cache');
$factory = new \Matomo\Cache\Backend\Factory();
$backend = $factory->buildBackend('file', $options);

$options = array(
    'host'     => '',
    'port'     => '6379',
    'timeout'  => 0.0,
    'database' => 15, // optional
    'password' => 'secret', // optional
$factory = new \Matomo\Cache\Backend\Factory();
$backend = $factory->buildBackend('redis', $options);

$options = array(
    'backends' => array('array', 'file'),
    'file'     => array('directory' => '/path/to/cache')
$factory = new \Matomo\Cache\Backend\Factory();
$backend = $factory->buildBackend('redis', $options);

$options = array(
    'backend'   => 'array',
    'array'     => array(),
    'keyPrefix' => 'someKeyPrefixStr'
$factory = new \Matomo\Cache\Backend\Factory();
$backend = $factory->buildBackend('keyPrefix', $options);

$factory = new \Matomo\Cache\Backend\Factory();
$backend = $factory->buildBackend('file', array('directory' => '/path/to/cache'));

$cache = new \Matomo\Cache\Lazy($backend);
$cache->save('myid', 'myvalue', $lifeTimeInSeconds = 300);

$cache = new \Matomo\Cache\Eager($backend, $storageId = 'eagercache');
$cache->save('myid', new \stdClass());
$cache->persistCacheIfNeeded($lifeTimeInSeconds = 300);

$cache = new \Matomo\Cache\Transient();
$cache->save('myid', new \stdClass());