PHP code example of mateusjunges / laravel-invite-codes

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mateusjunges/laravel-invite-codes library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mateusjunges / laravel-invite-codes example snippets

'custom_migrations' => true,

return [
    |  Models
    | When using this package, we need to know which Eloquent Model should be used
    | to retrieve your invites. Of course, it is just the basics models
    | needed, but you can use whatever you like.
    'models' => [
        'invite_model' => \Junges\InviteCodes\Models\Invite::class,

    | Tables
    | Specify the basics authentication tables that you are using.
    | Once you  |--------------------------------------------------------------------------
    | Custom migrations
    | If you want to publish this package migrations and edit with new custom columns, change it to true.
    'custom_migrations' => false,

$routeMiddleware = [
    'protected_by_invite_codes' => ProtectedByInviteCodeMiddleware::class,

Route::get('some-route', function() {

public function __construct()

$invite_code = \Junges\InviteCodes\Facades\InviteCodes::create()
    ->restrictUsageTo('[email protected]')




\Junges\InviteCodes\Facades\InviteCodes::createInviteCodeUsing(static function () {
    return 'THIS-IS-MY-INVITE-'.\Illuminate\Support\Str::random(); 

public function render($request, Exception $exception)
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\InviteWithRestrictedUsageException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\ExpiredInviteCodeException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\DuplicateInviteCodeException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\InvalidInviteCodeException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\UserLoggedOutException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\InviteMustBeAbleToBeRedeemedException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\SoldOutException) {
    if ($exception instanceof \Junges\InviteCodes\Exceptions\RouteProtectedByInviteCodeException) {
    return parent::render($request, $exception);

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Junges\InviteCodes\InviteCodesServiceProvider" --tag="invite-codes-migrations"
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Junges\InviteCodes\InviteCodesServiceProvider" --tag="invite-codes-config"