PHP code example of mateffy / color

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mateffy/color library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mateffy / color example snippets

 * Color manipulation
use Mateffy\Color;

$color = Color::hex('#ff0000')
    ->hue(25, add: true) // Adds 25 to the current hue
    ->saturation(0.5) // Sets the current saturation to 0.5
    ->alpha(0.5); // Sets the current alpha to 0.5

/* Hex */
$hex1 = $color->toHex(); // '#ff0000'
$hex2 = $color->toHex(alpha: true); // '#ff0000ff'

/* RGB */
$rgb = $color->toRgb(); // [255, 0, 0]
$rgba = $color->toRgba(); // [255, 0, 0, 0.5]
$rgbString = $color->toRgbString(); // 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
$rgbValueString = $color->toRgbValueString(); // '255, 0, 0' for Tailwind and Filament

/* HSL */
$hsl = $color->toHsl(); // [1, 1, 0.5]
$hsla = $color->toHsla(); // [1, 1, 0.5, 0.5]
$hslString = $color->toHslString(); // 'hsl(1, 1%, 50%)'
$hslValueString = $color->toHslaString(); // 'hsla(1, 1%, 50%, 0.5)' 

 * Shades functionality

use Mateffy\Color\Shades;

$indigo = Shades::tailwind('indigo');
$indigo->shade500->toHex(); // '#6366f1' with typed color
$indigo['600']->toHex(); // '#4f46e5' with array syntax

// Quickly get the shades defined in your Filament panel provider
$primary = Shades::filament('primary');
$primary->shade500->toHex(); // Dynamic color, configured in Filament panel provider

// Or, generate a 50 -> 950 shades palette from a single color
$shadesFromSingleColor = Shades::color(Color::fromHex('#ff0000'));

// This is useful for configuring your Filament panel provider
// AppServiceProvider.php:
        'primary' => Shades::color(Color::fromHex(config('app.primary_color'))),

use Mateffy\Color;

// From hexadecimal string
$color = Color::hex('#ff0000');

// From RGB values
$color = Color::rgb(255, 0, 0);

// From RGBA values (including alpha)
$color = Color::rgb(red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.5);

// From HSL values
$color = Color::hsl(0, 1, 0.5);
$color = Color::hsl(hue: 0, saturation: 1, lightness: 0.5, alpha: 0.5);

// Adjust hue (0-360 degrees)
$newColor = $color->hue(30); // Set hue to 30 degrees
$newColor = $color->hue(30, add: true); // Add 30 degrees to current hue

// Adjust saturation (0-1)
$newColor = $color->saturation(0.5); // Set saturation to 50%

// Adjust lightness (0-1)
$newColor = $color->lightness(0.7); // Set lightness to 70%

// Adjust alpha (0-1)
$newColor = $color->alpha(0.5); // Set alpha to 50%

// Invert the color
$invertedColor = $color->invert();

// Get complementary color
$complementaryColor = $color->complementary();

// As hexadecimal string
echo $color->toHexString(); // '#ff0000'
echo $color->toHexString(alpha: true); // '#ff0000ff'
echo $color->toHexString(uppercase: true); // '#FF0000'
echo $color->toHexString(hash: false); // 'ff0000'
echo $color->toHexString(alpha: true, uppercase: true, hash: false); // 'FF0000FF'

// As RGB array
print_r($color->toRgb()); // [255, 0, 0]

// As RGBA array
print_r($color->toRgba()); // [255, 0, 0, 1]

// As RGB string
echo $color->toRgbString(); // 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'

// As RGBA string
echo $color->toRgbaString(); // 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)'

// As RGB value string (useful for Tailwind and Filament)
echo $color->toRgbValueString(); // '255, 0, 0'

// As HSL array
print_r($color->toHsl()); // [0, 1, 0.5]

// As HSLA array
print_r($color->toHsla()); // [0, 1, 0.5, 1]

// As HSL string
echo $color->toHslString(); // 'hsl(0, 100%, 50%)'

// As HSLA string
echo $color->toHslaString(); // 'hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)'

// Example shades
$shades = [
    '50' => '#f9fafb',
    '100' => '#f3f4f6',
    '200' => '#e5e7eb',
    '300' => '#d1d5db',
    '400' => '#9ca3af',
    '500' => '#6b7280',
    '600' => '#4b5563',
    '700' => '#374151',
    '800' => '#1f2937',
    '900' => '#111827',
    '950' => '#0f172a'

use Mateffy\Color\Shades;

// From Tailwind color palette
$indigo = Shades::tailwind('indigo');

// Generate shades from a single color
$redShades = Shades::color(Color::hex('#ff0000'));

// From Filament color palette (

// Using object properties (returns a `Mateffy\Color` instance)
$shade50 = $indigo->shade50;
$shade100 = $indigo->shade100;
$shade200 = $indigo->shade200;
$shade300 = $indigo->shade300;
$shade400 = $indigo->shade400;
$shade500 = $indigo->shade500;
$shade600 = $indigo->shade600;
$shade700 = $indigo->shade700;
$shade800 = $indigo->shade800;
$shade900 = $indigo->shade900;
$shade950 = $indigo->shade950;

// Using array syntax
$shade50 = $indigo['50'];
$shade100 = $indigo['100'];
$shade200 = $indigo['200'];
$shade300 = $indigo['300'];
$shade400 = $indigo['400'];
$shade500 = $indigo['500'];
$shade600 = $indigo['600'];
$shade700 = $indigo['700'];
$shade800 = $indigo['800'];
$shade900 = $indigo['900'];
$shade950 = $indigo['950'];

echo $shade50::class; // Mateffy\Color

// Output all shades as an array
/** @var array<string, Mateffy\Color> $shadesArray */
$shadesArray = $indigo->toArray();

/** @var array<string, string> $hexArray */
$hexArray = $indigo->toHexArray(hash: true, uppercase: false, alpha: false); 
// ['50' => '#6366f1', '100' => '#4f46e5', ...]

/** @var array<string, string> $rgbArray */
$rgbValueStringArray = $indigo->toRgbValueStringArray();
// ['50' => '255, 255, 255', '100' => '255, 255, 255', ...]

// Output a specific shade as hex
echo $indigo->shade500->toHexString(); // '#6366f1'

// Output a specific shade as RGB
echo $indigo['600']->toRgbString(); // 'rgb(79, 70, 229)'