PHP code example of mastercard / oauth1-signer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mastercard/oauth1-signer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mastercard / oauth1-signer example snippets

use Mastercard\Developer\OAuth\Utils\AuthenticationUtils;
// …
$signingKey = AuthenticationUtils::loadSigningKey(
                '<insert PKCS#12 key file path>',
                '<insert key alias>', 
                '<insert key password>');

use Mastercard\Developer\OAuth\OAuth;
// …
$consumerKey = '<insert consumer key>';
$uri = '';
$method = 'POST';
$payload = 'Hello world!';
$authHeader = OAuth::getAuthorizationHeader($uri, $method, $payload, $consumerKey, $signingKey);

use Mastercard\Developer\Signers\CurlRequestSigner;
// …
$method = 'POST';
$uri = '';
$payload = json_encode(['foo' => 'bår']);
$headers = array(
    'Content-Type: application/json',
    'Content-Length: ' . strlen($payload)
$handle = curl_init($uri);
curl_setopt_array($handle, array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => $method, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $payload));
$signer = new CurlRequestSigner($consumerKey, $signingKey);
$signer->sign($handle, $method, $headers, $payload);
$result = curl_exec($handle);

use Mastercard\Developer\Signers\CurlRequestSigner;
// …
$method = 'GET';
$baseUri = '';
$queryParams = array('param1' => 'with spaces', 'param2' => 'encoded#symbol');
$uri = $baseUri . '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);
$handle = curl_init($uri);
curl_setopt_array($handle, array(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => 1));
$signer = new CurlRequestSigner($consumerKey, $signingKey);
$signer->sign($handle, $method);
$result = curl_exec($handle);

use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use Mastercard\Developer\Signers\PsrHttpMessageSigner;
// …
$payload = '{"foo":"bår"}';
$headers = ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'];
$request = new Request('POST', '', $headers, $payload);
$signer = new PsrHttpMessageSigner($consumerKey, $signingKey);

use GuzzleHttp;
use OpenAPI\Client\Api\ServiceApi;
use OpenAPI\Client\Configuration
use Mastercard\Developer\Signers\PsrHttpMessageSigner;
// …
$stack = new GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack();
$stack->setHandler(new GuzzleHttp\Handler\CurlHandler());
$stack->push(GuzzleHttp\Middleware::mapRequest([new PsrHttpMessageSigner($consumerKey, $signingKey), 'sign']));
$options = ['handler' => $stack];
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client($options);
$config = new Configuration();
$serviceApi = new ServiceApi($client, $config);
// …