PHP code example of massimo-filippi / slack-module

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download massimo-filippi/slack-module library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


massimo-filippi / slack-module example snippets

return [
    'MassimoFilippi\SlackModule', // Add this line, ideally before Application module.

return [
    'massimo_filippi' => [
        'slack_module' => [
            'config' => [
                'webhook_url' => '',
                // Whether names like @regan should be converted into links by Slack, default: false
                'link_names' => false,
                // Whether Slack should unfurl links to text-based content, default: false
                'unfurl_links' => false,
                // Whether Slack should unfurl links to media content such as images and YouTube videos, default: true 
                'unfurl_media' => true,
                // Whether message text should be interpreted in Slack's Markdown-like language. For formatting options, see Slack's help article:, default: true
                'allow_markdown' => true,
                // Which attachment fields should be interpreted in Slack's Markdown-like language. By default, Slack assumes that no fields in an attachment should be formatted as Markdown. // default: []
                'markdown_in_attachments' => [],
                // Allow Markdown in just the text and title fields
                //// 'markdown_in_attachments' => ['text', 'title']
                // Allow Markdown in all fields
                //// 'markdown_in_attachments' => ['pretext', 'text', 'title', 'fields', 'fallback']
                'defaults' => [
                    // default username, set to null to use the default set on the Slack webhook, default: null
                    'username' => 'Slack module',
                    // default channel, channel: #general, user: @john.doe, set to null to use the default set on the Slack webhook, default: null
                    'channel' => '#general',
                    // URL to an image or Slack emoji like :ghost: or :+1:, set null to use the default set on the Slack webhook, default: null 
                    'icon' => null 


use Maknz\Slack\Message as SlackMessage;
use MassimoFilippi\SlackModule\Model\Attachment as SlackAttachment;

/** @var SlackMessage $slackMessage */
$slackMessage = $this->slackService->createMessage();
    ->from('John Doe')
    ->setText('This is an amazing message!');

/** @var SlackAttachment $slackAttachment */
$slackAttachment = $this->slackService->createAttachment([
        'fallback' => 'Some fallback text',
        'text' => 'The attachment text'

try {
    // Injected MassimoFilippi\SlackModule\Service\SlackService.
} catch (\Exception $exception) {