PHP code example of marshmallow / nova-multiselect-field
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download marshmallow/nova-multiselect-field library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
marshmallow / nova-multiselect-field example snippets
use Marshmallow\MultiselectField\Multiselect;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
Multiselect::make('Football teams')
'liverpool' => 'Liverpool FC',
'tottenham' => 'Tottenham Hotspur',
// Optional:
->placeholder('Choose football teams') // Placeholder text
->max(4) // Maximum number of items the user can choose
->saveAsJSON() // Saves value as JSON if the database column is of JSON type
->optionsLimit(5) // How many items to display at once
->reorderable() // Allows reordering functionality
->singleSelect() // If you want a searchable single select field
->distinct('football') // Disables values used by other multiselects in same distinct group
->taggable() // Possible to add values ("tags") on the fly
// Async model querying
// If you want a custom search, create your own endpoint:
->api('/api/multiselect/artists?something=false', Artist::class),
// Add your BelongsToMany relationship to your model:
public function categories()
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\Category::class);
// Add the field to your Resource for asynchronous option querying:
Multiselect::make('Categories', 'categories')
// Alternatively, you can set the second argument to 'false' to
// query the options on page load and prevent the user from having
// to first type in order to view the available options. Note: Not
// recommended for unbounded relationship row counts.
Multiselect::make('Categories', 'categories')
->belongsToMany(\App\Nova\Resources\Category::class, false),