PHP code example of markjaquith / wp-tlc-transients

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download markjaquith/wp-tlc-transients library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


markjaquith / wp-tlc-transients example snippets

// Define your callback (other examples use this)
function my_callback() {
	return wp_remote_retrieve_body(
		wp_remote_get( '', array( 'timeout' => 30 ) )

// Grab that feed
echo tlc_transient( 'example-feed' )
	->updates_with( 'my_callback' )
	->expires_in( 300 )

echo tlc_transient( 'example-feed' )
	->updates_with( 'my_callback' )
	->expires_in( 300 )

$t = tlc_transient( 'example-feed' );
if ( true ) {
	$t->updates_with( 'my_callback' );
} else {
	$t->updates_with( 'some_other_callback' );

$t->expires_in( 300 );
echo $t->get();

// Define your callback
function my_callback_with_param( $param ) {
	return str_replace(
		wp_remote_retrieve_body( wp_remote_get( '', array( 'timeout' => 30 ) ) ),

// Grab that feed
echo tlc_transient( 'example-feed' )
	->updates_with( 'my_callback_with_param', array( 'bar' ) )
	->expires_in( 300 )