PHP code example of markenwerk / basic-http-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download markenwerk/basic-http-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


markenwerk / basic-http-client example snippets

$response = $client->get(array(
	'paramName1' => 'paramValue1',
	'paramName2' => 'paramValue2'
$response = $client->post(array(
	'paramName1' => 'paramValue1',
	'paramName2' => 'paramValue2',
	'paramName3' => array(
		'key1' => 'value1',
		'key2' => 'value2'
POST /1aipzl31?paramName1=paramValue1&paramName2=paramValue2 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
User-Agent: PHP Basic HTTP Client 1.0
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept: text/html, text/*
Content-Length: 101

use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Transport\HttpTransport;

// Configuring a Transport instance
$transport = new HttpTransport();
use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Transport\HttpsTransport;

// Configuring a Transport instance
$transport = new HttpsTransport();
use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Message\Body\Body;
use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Message\Cookie\Cookie;
use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Message\Header\Header;
use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Message\Message;

// Configuring a message Body instance
$messageBody = new Body();
			'paramName1' => 'paramValue1',
			'paramName2' => 'paramValue2',
			'paramName3' => array(
				'key1' => 'value1',
				'key2' => 'value2'

// Configuring a Message instance
$message = new Message();
	->addHeader(new Header('Content-Type', array('application/json')))
	->addHeader(new Header('Accept', array('application/json', 'text/*')))
	->addHeader(new Header('Runscope-Bucket-Auth', array('7a64dde7-74d5-4eed-b170-a2ab406eff08')))
	->addCookie(new Cookie('PHPSESSID', '<MY_SESSION_ID>'))
$header1 = $message->getHeaderByName('Content-Type');
$header2 = $message->getHeaderByName('content-type');
$header3 = $message->getHeaderByName('CONTENT-Type');
// Add or replace a request header
$message->addHeader(new Header('Custom-Header', array('CustomHeaderValue')));
// Add a request header and keep the existing one untouched
$message->addAdditionalHeader(new Header('Custom-Header', array('AnotherCustomHeaderValue')));
POST /?arg1=123#fragment HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
User-Agent: PHP Basic HTTP Client Test 1.0
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json, text/*
Runscope-Bucket-Auth: 7a64dde7-74d5-4eed-b170-a2ab406eff08
Custom-Header: CustomHeaderValue
Custom-Header: AnotherCustomHeaderValue
Content-Length: 102

use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Authentication\ClientCertificateAuthentication;
use ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Request;

// Configuring the authentication
$clientCertificateAuthentication = new ClientCertificateAuthentication(

// Adding the authentication instance to the Request
$request = new Request();
// Getting the response ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Response\Response object
$response = $request->getResponse();

// Reading the HTTP status code as integer; will return `200`
echo print_r($response->getStatusCode(), true) . PHP_EOL;

// Reading the HTTP status text as string; will return `HTTP/1.1 200 OK`
echo print_r($response->getStatusText(), true) . PHP_EOL;

// Reading the HTTP response headers as array of ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Response\Header\Header objects
echo print_r($response->getHeaders(), true) . PHP_EOL;

// Reading the HTTP response body as string
echo print_r($response->getBody(), true) . PHP_EOL;
// Getting the effective endpoint URL including the query parameters
echo print_r($request->getEffectiveEndpoint(), true) . PHP_EOL;

// Getting the effective HTTP status, f.e. `POST /?paramName1=paramValue1&paramName2=paramValue2&paramName3=1&paramName4=42 HTTP/1.1`
echo print_r($request->getEffectiveStatus(), true) . PHP_EOL;

// Getting the effective raw request headers as string
echo print_r($request->getEffectiveRawHeader(), true) . PHP_EOL;

// Getting the effective request headers as array of `ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Request\Message\Header\Header` objects
echo print_r($request->getEffectiveHeaders(), true) . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
// Getting the statistics ChromaX\BasicHttpClient\Response\Statistics\Statistics object
$statistics = $request->getResponse()->getStatistics();

// Reading the redirection URL if the server responds with an redirect HTTP header and 
// followRedirects is set to false
echo print_r($statistics->getRedirectEndpoint(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Reading the numbers of redirection as integer
echo print_r($statistics->getRedirectCount(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Getting the time in seconds the redirect utilized as float
echo print_r($statistics->getRedirectTime(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Getting the time in seconds that was utilized until the connection was established
echo print_r($statistics->getConnectionEstablishTime(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Getting the time in seconds that was utilized until the DNS hostname lookup was done
echo print_r($statistics->getHostLookupTime(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Getting the time in seconds that was utilized before the first data was sent
echo print_r($statistics->getPreTransferTime(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Getting the time in seconds that was utilized before the first data was received
echo print_r($statistics->getStartTransferTime(), true).PHP_EOL;

// Getting the time in seconds that was utilized to perfom the request an read the response
echo print_r($statistics->getTotalTime(), true).PHP_EOL;