PHP code example of marcusyan / youtube-laravel-api
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download marcusyan/youtube-laravel-api library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
namespace Your\App\NameSpace;
use alchemyguy\YoutubeLaravelApi\AuthenticateService;
$authObject = new AuthenticateService;
# Replace the identifier with a unqiue identifier for account or channel
$authUrl = $authObject->getLoginUrl('email','identifier');
$authObject = new AuthenticateService;
$authResponse = $authObject->authChannelWithCode($code);
namespace Your\App\NameSpace;
use alchemyguy\YoutubeLaravelApi\LiveStreamService;
# data format creating live event
$data = array(
"title" => "",
"description" => "",
"thumbnail_path" => "", // Optional
"event_start_date_time" => "",
"event_end_date_time" => "", // Optional
"time_zone" => "",
'privacy_status' => "", // default: "public" OR "private"
"language_name" => "", // default: "English"
"tag_array" => "" // Optional and should not be more than 500 characters
$ytEventObj = new LiveStreamService();
* The broadcast function returns array of details from YouTube.
* Store this information & will be
$ytEventObj = new LiveStreamService();
* The updateBroadcast response give details of the youtube_event_id,server_url and server_key.
* The server_url & server_key gets updated in the process. (save the updated server_key and server_url).
$response = $ytEventObj->updateBroadcast($authToken, $data, $youtubeEventId);
// $youtubeEventId = $response['broadcast_response']['id'];
// $serverUrl = $response['stream_response']['cdn']->ingestionInfo->ingestionAddress;
// $serverKey = $response['stream_response']['cdn']->ingestionInfo->streamName
$ytEventObj = new LiveStreamService();
# Deleting the event
$ytEventObj = new LiveStreamService();
* $broadcastStatus - ["testing", "live"]
* Starting the event takes place in 3 steps
* 1. Start sending the stream to the server_url via server_key recieved as a response in creating the event via the encoder of your choice.
* 2. Once stream sending has started, stream test should be done by passing $broadcastStatus="testing" & it will return response for stream status.
* 3. If transitioEvent() returns successfull for testing broadcast status, then start live streaming your video by passing $broadcastStatus="live"
* & in response it will return us the stream status.
$streamStatus = $ytEventObj->transitionEvent($authToken, $youtubeEventId, $broadcastStatus);
$ytEventObj = new LiveStreamService();
* $broadcastStatus - ["complete"]
* Once live streaming gets started succesfully. We can stop the streaming the video by passing broadcastStatus="complete" and in response it will give us the stream status.
$ytEventObj->transitionEvent($authToken, $youtubeEventId, $broadcastStatus); // $broadcastStatus = ["complete"]
namespace Your\App\NameSpace;
use alchemyguy\YoutubeLaravelApi\ChannelService;
* [channelsListById -gets the channnel details and ]
* $part 'id,snippet,contentDetails,status, statistics, contentOwnerDetails, brandingSettings'
* $params [array channels id(comma separated ids ) or you can get ('forUsername' => 'GoogleDevelopers')]
$part = 'id,snippet';
$params = array('id'=> 'channel_1_id,channel_2_id');
$channelServiceObject = new ChannelService;
$channelDetails = $channelServiceObject->channelsListById($part, $params);
$channelServiceObject = new ChannelService;
$channelDetails = $channelServiceObject->getChannelDetails($authToken);