PHP code example of marck-devs / simple-logger

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download marck-devs/simple-logger library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


marck-devs / simple-logger example snippets


    class Foo{
        private static $log;

        public function __construct(){
            self::$log = new \MarckDevs\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger("name", \MarckDevs\SimpleLogger\LogLeves::WARN);

        public function fun(){
            self::$log->log("My message is {message}", ["message" => "hello"]);
            self::$log->warn("My message is {test}", ["test" => "test"]);
            self::$log->debug("My {cnt} is {message}", ["message" => "hello", "ctn"=>"message"]);
            self::$log->error("My message is {message}", ["message" => "hello"]);


    class MyFormatter implements \MarckDevs\SimpleLogger\Interfaces\LogFormatter{
        public function format($string, $data = []){
            $my_format = "{date}- {lv}- {msg}";
            // generate the array with the necessaries keys
            $arr = \MarkDevs\SimpleLogger\SimpleFormatter::gen_arr($string, $data);
            // format the string
            return \MarkDevs\SimpleLogger\SimpleFormatter::set_data($string, $arr);

\MarckDevs\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger::set_log_format(new MyFormatter());

    class MyDateFormatter implements\MarckDevs\SimpleLogger\Interfaces\DateFormatter{

        public function get_date($date /*DateTime object*/): String {
            // custom format
            $format = "Y-m-d H:i:s"; // php format
            return $date->format($format);

    \MarckDevs\SimpleLogger\SimpleLogger::set_date_format(new MyDateFormatter());
