PHP code example of maplephp / http

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maplephp/http library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maplephp / http example snippets

use MaplePHP\Http;

$request = new Http\ServerRequest(UriInterface $uri, EnvironmentInterface $env);

echo $request->getMethod(); // GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

$uri = $request->getUri(); // UriInterface
echo $uri->getScheme(); // https
echo $uri->getAuthority(); // [userInfo@]host[:port]
echo $uri->getUserInfo(); // username:password
echo $uri->getHost(); //,,, localhost
echo $uri->getPort(); // 443
echo $uri->getPath(); // /about-us/workers
echo $uri->getQuery(); // page-id=12&filter=2
echo $uri->getFragment(); // anchor-12 (The anchor hash without "#")
echo $uri->getUri(); // Get the full URI

$response = new Http\Response(
	StreamInterface $body,
    ?HeadersInterface $headers = null,
    int $status = 200,
    ?string $phrase = null,
    ?string $version = null

echo $response->getStatusCode(); // 200

$newInst = $response->withStatus(404);
echo $newInst->getStatusCode(); // 404
echo $newInst->getReasonPhrase(); // Not Found

echo $response->getProtocolVersion(); // 1.1
echo $response->getHeaders(); // Array with all headers
echo $response->hasHeader("Content-Length"); // True
echo $response->getHeader("Content-Length"); // 1299
echo $response->getBody(); // StreamInterface

$stream = new Http\Stream(Http\Stream::TEMP);
$response = new Http\Response($stream);
$env = new Http\Environment();
$request = new Http\ServerRequest(new Http\Uri($env->getUriParts()), $env);

$stream = new Http\Stream(
	(mixed) Stream
	(string) permission

$stream = new Http\Stream(Http\Stream::TEMP);
if ($stream->isSeekable()) {
    $stream->write("Hello world");
    //echo $stream; // will print Hello world
    // Or
    echo $stream->getContents(); // Hello world
    // Or Same as above
    //echo $stream->read($stream->getSize());

$stream = new Http\Stream("/var/www/html/YourApp/dir/dir/data.json");
echo $stream->getContents();

$upload = new Http\UploadedFile($stream);
$upload->moveTo("/var/www/html/upload/log.txt"); // Place Hello world in txt file

// Init request client
$client = new Http\Client([CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH => CURLAUTH_DIGEST]); // Pass on Curl options

// Create request data
$request = new Http\Request(
    "POST", // The HTTP Method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH)
    "https://admin:[email protected]:443/test.php", // The Request URI
    ["customHeader" => "lorem"], // Add Headers, empty array is allowed
    ["email" => "[email protected]"] // Post data

// Pass request data to client and POST
$response = $client->sendRequest($request);

// Get Stream data