PHP code example of manzor29 / avtocod-b2b-api-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download manzor29/avtocod-b2b-api-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


manzor29 / avtocod-b2b-api-php example snippets

use Avtocod\B2BApi\Client;
use Avtocod\B2BApi\Settings;
use Avtocod\B2BApi\Tokens\Auth\AuthToken;

$client = new Client(new Settings(AuthToken::generate('username', 'password', 'domain')));

 /** @var \Avtocod\B2BApi\Client $client */

// Test connection

// Debug token generation
$client->devToken('username', 'password');

// Retrieve information about current user

// Retrieve balance information for report type

// Retrieve report types data

// Get reports list

// Get report by unique report ID

// Make (generate) report
$client->userReportMake('report_type_uid@domain', 'VIN', 'Z94CB41AAGR323020');

// Refresh existing report

 /** @var \Avtocod\B2BApi\Client $client */

// Make report (this operation is asynchronous)
$report_uid = $client
    ->userReportMake($this->report_type, 'GRZ', 'A111AA177', null, true)

// Wait for report is ready
while (true) {
    if ($client->userReport($report_uid, false)->first()->isCompleted()) {

$content = $client->userReport($report_uid)->first()->getContent();

$vin_code  = $content->getByPath('');   // (string) 'JTMHX05J704083922'
$engine_kw = $content->getByPath(''); // (int) 227
$ composer