PHP code example of mangoweb / messenger

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mangoweb/messenger library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mangoweb / messenger example snippets

use Mangoweb\Messenger\Page;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\PageSender;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\Message;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\CardElement;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\Button;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\QuickReply;

$page = new Page(PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN);
$sender = new PageSender($page);

// Sending simple text message
$textMessage = Message::text('Hello world!');
$sender->send(RECIPIENT_ID, $textMessage);

// Sending an image attachment
$imageMessage = Message::image('');
$sender->send(RECIPIENT_ID, $imageMessage);

// Sending complex message with two cards and some button
$cardButtons = [
	Button::url('Github', '')

$cards = [
	CardElement::create('Lorem', 'ipsum dolor', '', '', $cardButtons),
	CardElement::create('Foo', NULL, NULL, '')

$messageWithCards = Message::generic($cards);
$sender->send(RECIPIENT_ID, $messageWithCards);

use Mangoweb\Messenger\Page;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\Greeting;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\GetStartedButton;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\PersistentMenu;
use Mangoweb\Messenger\Button;

$page = new Page(PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN);

// Detect if page is already hooked to your Facebook App
echo ($page->isHookedToApp(APP_ID) ? 'already hooked' : 'not yet hooked') . "\n";

// Load basic info about a Page
$info = $page->loadInfo();
echo $info['name'] . "\n";

// Load info about user as the Page can see them
$profile = $page->loadProfile(RECIPIENT_ID);
echo $profile['first_name'] . ' ' . $profile['last_name'] . "\n";

// Set greeting text
$page->setGreeting(Greeting::text('Hello world'));

// Set "get started" button payload

// Set persistent menu buttons
	Button::postback('Help', 'help'),
	Button::postback('Sign in', 'sign-in'),

use Mangoweb\Messenger\Receiver;

$receiver = new Receiver();

// Define event hooks
$receiver->onMessage[] = function($message) {
	echo "Someone sent us a message" . "\n";

$receiver->onPostback[]  = function($postback) {
	echo "Someone clicked on a postback button" . "\n";

// Load JSON payload from Messenger request
$httpBody = file_get_contents('php://input');
$httpBody = '{
$payload = json_decode($httpBody, TRUE);

// Process the payload

$ ./vendor/bin/tester -c tests/php.ini tests