PHP code example of malukenho / migratedb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download malukenho/migratedb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


malukenho / migratedb example snippets

 * @Configurations(
 *     from_table="user",
 *     to_table="member",
 *     complement="WHERE status = '1'",
 *     type="select"
 * )
class User implements EnumTablesRelation
	const user_id = 'id';
	const user_name = 'name'
	const user_pass = 'passwd';

 * @Configurations(
 *     from_table="user",
 *     to_table="member"
 * )
class InsertUser implements EnumTablesRelation
	const IDENTIFY = 'user_id';
	const USERNAME = 'user_name'
	const PASSWORD = 'user_pass';

$loader = DO('...');
$mySql2 = new PDO('...');

$router = new MigrateDB(new User);
$result = $router->setConnection($mySql, $mySql2)
$router->replyTo(new InsertUser)

$routerClient = new MigrateDB(new ClientData);

$routerClient->registerFilter(new ClientFilter)
    ->replyTo(new ClientDataReply)
            rand(0, 9)

 * @Configurations(
 *     from_table="UserList",
 *     to_table="NewUserList",
 *     complement="WHERE UserList.iduser = $1",
 *     type="join"
 * )
class UserRelation implements EnumTablesRelation
	const user_id = 'userid';
	const user_name = 'name.user_detail ON id = 1';
	const user_pass = 'passwd';

 * @Configurations(
 *     from_table="UserList",
 *     to_table="NewUserList",
 *     complement="WHERE iduser = $1",
 *     type="as"
 * )
class UserRelation implements EnumTablesRelation
	const user_id = 'userid';
	const user_name = 'name';
	const user_pass = 'passwd';