PHP code example of malanciault / illuxi-eyeson-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download malanciault/illuxi-eyeson-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


malanciault / illuxi-eyeson-php example snippets

$eyeson = new Eyeson('<your-eyeson-api-key>');
// Join a new eyeson video meeting by providing a user's name.
$room = $eyeson->join('Mike', 'standup meeting');
$room->getUrl(); //<token> URL to video GUI
// If you do not provide a room name, eyeson will create one for you. Note that
// users **will join different rooms on every request**.
$room = $eyeson->join('[email protected]');
// You can add additional details to your user, which will be shown in the
// GUI. Choosing a unique identifier will keep the user distinct and ensures
// actions are mapped correctly to this record. E.g. joining the room twice will
// not lead to two different participants in a meeting.
$user = [
  'id' => '[email protected]',
  'name' => 'Mike',
  'avatar' => ''
$room = $eyeson->join($user, 'daily standup');

// Force stop a running meeting.
// Start and stop a recording.
$recording = $eyeson->record($room);
$recording->isActive(); // true

// Register a webhook

$layout = $eyeson->getLayout($room);
$layout->update($userList); // ["5eb3a...994", "5eb3a...d06"]
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