PHP code example of maksymsemenykhin / yii2-httpclient

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maksymsemenykhin/yii2-httpclient library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maksymsemenykhin / yii2-httpclient example snippets

'components' => [
	'httpclient' => [
		'class' =>'MaksymSemenykhin\httpclient\Client',
		'detectMimeType' => true, // automatically transform request to data according to response Content-Type header
		'requestOptions' => [
		    // see guzzle request options documentation
		'requestHeaders' => [
		    // specify global request headers (can be overrided with $options on making request)

// Result is html text
$text = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('');

// Result is SimpleXMLElement containing parsed XML
$xml = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('');

// Result is parsed JSON array
$json = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('');

// Result is Guzzle `Response` object
$text = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('', [], false);

$text = Yii::$app->httpclient->get('', [
    'proxy' => 'tcp://localhost:8125'

// Synchronous GET request
    $url, // URL
    [], // Options
    true // Detect Mime Type?

// Synchronous POST (and others) request
    $url, // URL
    $body, // Body
    [], // Options
    true // Detect Mime Type?

// Asynchronous GET request
    $url, // URL
    [] // Options

// Asynchronous POST (and others) request
    $url, // URL
    $body, // Body
    [] // Options

// PromiseInterface
$promise = Yii::$app->httpclient->postAsync('');
php composer.phar