1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maksimusyan/php-centrifugo library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
use Centrifugo\Centrifugo;
$endpoint = 'http://example.com/api/';
$secret = 'SECRET_API_KEY';
// From Redis transport
$centrifugo = new Centrifugo($endpoint, $secret, [
'redis' => [
'host' => 'localhost',
// additional params
'port' => 6379,
'db' => 0,
'timeout' => 0.0,
'shardsNumber' => 0,
// OR from CURL transport
$centrifugo = new Centrifugo($endpoint, $secret, [
'http' => [
// Curl options
use Centrifugo\Centrifugo;
use Centrifugo\Exceptions\CentrifugoException;
$userId = 1;
$channel = '#chan_1';
$messageData = ['message' => 'Hello, world!'];
try {
//Send message into channel.
$response = $centrifugo->publish($channel, $messageData);
//Very similar to publish but allows to send the same data into many channels.
$response = $centrifugo->broadcast($channels, $messageData);
//Unsubscribe user from channel.
$response = $centrifugo->unsubscribe($channel, $userId);
//Disconnect user by user ID.
$response = $centrifugo->disconnect($userId);
//Get channel presence information (all clients currently subscribed on this channel).
$response = $centrifugo->presence($channel);
//Get channel history information (list of last messages sent into channel).
$response = $centrifugo->history($channel);
//Get channels information (list of currently active channels).
$response = $centrifugo->channels();
//Get stats information about running server nodes.
$response = $centrifugo->stats();
//Get information about single Centrifugo node.
$response = $centrifugo->node('http://node1.example.com/api/');
} catch (CentrifugoException $e) {
// invalid response
use Centrifugo\Centrifugo;
use Centrifugo\Exceptions\CentrifugoException;
$userId = '1'; //must be a string
$channel = '#chan_1';
$messageData = ['message' => 'Hello, world!'];
try {
$requests[] = $centrifugo->request('publish', ['channel' => $channel, 'data' => $messageData]);
$requests[] = $centrifugo->request('broadcast', ['channel' => $channel, 'data' => $messageData]);
$requests[] = $centrifugo->request('unsubscribe', ['channel' => $channel, 'user' => $userId]);
$requests[] = $centrifugo->request('disconnect', ['user' => $userId]);
$batchResponse = $centrifugo->sendBatchRequest($requests);
foreach ($batchResponse as $response) {
if ($response->isError()) {
// get error info
$error = $response->getError();
} else {
// get response data as array
$responseData = $response->getDecodedBody();
} catch (CentrifugoException $e) {
// invalid response
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