PHP code example of maksimdimitrov / mdim-amqp-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maksimdimitrov/mdim-amqp-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maksimdimitrov / mdim-amqp-laravel example snippets

 artisan vendor:publish --tag=mdim_rabbitmq-config
 artisan mdim_rabbitmq:start_consumer 'MdimAMQPLaravel\Examples\HelloJob'
 artisan mdim_rabbitmq:publish_hello
 artisan mdim_rabbitmq:start_consumer 'SomeNamespace\SomeClass'

namespace SomeNamespace;
use MdimAMQPLaravel\ReceiveJob;

class SomeClass extends ReceiveJob
    public function handle()
        echo 'message -> ' . $this->msg->body . PHP_EOL;
    public static function getConnectionName()
        return 'default'; // default is the connection name from config file, e.g. default or some-other-rabbitmq-service
    public static function getQueueName()
        return 'some-queue-name';
    public static function getConsumerTag() 
        return '';