PHP code example of maicol07 / orcid-php-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maicol07/orcid-php-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maicol07 / orcid-php-client example snippets

use Orcid\Oauth;
use Orcid\ApiScopes;

// Set up the config for the ORCID API instance
$oauth = (new Oauth($clientId, $clientSecret))

// Create and follow the authorization URL
header("Location: " . $oauth->getAuthorizationUrl());

use Orcid\Oauth;
use Orcid\ApiScopes;

if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
	// User didn't authorize our app
	throw new Exception('Authorization failed');

// Set up the config for the ORCID API instance
$oauth = (new Oauth($clientId, $clientSecret))

// Authenticate the user

// Check for successful authentication
if ($oauth->isAuthenticated()) {
	$orcid = new Profile($oauth);

	// Get ORCID iD
	$id = $orcid->id();

use Orcid\Profile;
$orcid = new Profile($oauth);

// Get ORCID profile details
$id    = $orcid->id();
$email = $orcid->email();
$name  = $orcid->fullName();

use Orcid\Oauth;
$oauth = (new Oauth())->membersApi(true);

use Orcid\Oauth;
$oauth = (new Oauth())->membersApi(false);

use Orcid\Oauth;
$oauth = (new Oauth())->sandbox(true);

use Orcid\Oauth;
$oauth = (new Oauth())->sandbox(false);

use Orcid\Work\Work;
use Orcid\Work\WorkType;
use PrinsFrank\Standards\Language\ISO639_1_Alpha_2;
use Orcid\Work\CitationType;
use PrinsFrank\Standards\Country\ISO3166_1_Alpha_2;
use Orcid\Work\ContributorRole;
use Orcid\Work\ContributorSequence;
// creation of an Orcid work
$work = (new Work())
    ->title("Les stalagmites du réseau du trou Noir")
    ->translatedTitle('The stalagmites of the Black hole network')
    ->translatedTitleLanguageCode(ISO639_1_Alpha_2::English) // These three methods about the title can be shortened to the first one (3 params)
    ->url("the work url")
    ->citation("The work citation....")//if you don't set citationType formatted-unspecified will be set
    ->shortDescription("the work description...") // the description must be less than 500 characters
    ->publicationDate(\Carbon\Carbon::createFromDate(1998, 09, 20)) // the first parameter year is 

use Orcid\Work\Work;
use Orcid\Work\WorkType;
 // minimum configuration to create an Orcid work
$work = (new Work())
    ->title("Les stalagmites du réseau du trou Noir")
    ->addExternalId("doi", "10.1038/nphys1170");

$putCode = 14563; 

use Orcid\Work\Works;
$works = new Works([$work1, $work2, $work3]);
// Or via the append method:

use Orcid\Work\Work;

foreach ($works as $work){
    assert($work instanceof Work);
    $work->addContributor("Authorfullname", \Orcid\Work\ContributorRole::AUTHOR, "Author orcid ID", \Orcid\Work\ContributorSequence::FIRST); 

use Orcid\Work\OClient;
// Check for successful authentication

if ($oauth->isAuthenticated())
    // creation of an orcid client
	$orcidClient = new OClient($oauth);

use Orcid\Work\OClient;
// send one or several work(s)
/** @var Work|Works|Work[] $works  */
/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */

use Orcid\Work\OClient;
// update a Work

/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */
/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */


use Orcid\Work\OClient;
// delete a Work
/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */

use Orcid\Work\OClient;
/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */
// read Summary

use Orcid\Work\OClient;
// read work(s)
/** @var int|string|int[]|string[] $putCode */
/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */

use Orcid\Work\OClient;

/** @var OClient $orcidClient  */
$OResponse= $orcidClient->readSummary();

/** @var \Orcid\Work\OResponse $OResponse  */
if ($OResponse->hasError()) {
    $errorCode = $OResponse->getErrorCode();
    $userMessage = $OResponse->user_message;
    $developerMessage = $OResponse->developer_message;

use Orcid\Work\Works;
/** @var \Orcid\Work\OResponse $OResponse  */

if ($OResponse->hasSuccess()) {
    /** @var Records $recordWorkList */
    $recordWorkList = $OResponse->getWorkRecordList(); 

use Orcid\Work\Works;
use Orcid\Work\Work;
/** @var Works $works */

// Returns date of last modification of ORCID registrations
$grouplastModifiedDate = $works->lastModifiedDate(); 

// returns a complex associative array coming directly from Orcid and containing the information on the work read.
$group = $works->getOrcidWorks(); 

foreach ($works as $work){
    assert($work instanceof Work);
    $putCode= $work->putCode();
    $workSource = $work->source();
    $workPath = $work->path();
    $lastModifiedDate = $work->lastModifiedDate(); // returns date of last modification of this record work
    $title = $work->title();

    // returns an external identifier array of type ExternalId
    $externalIds = $work->externals();

use Orcid\Work\ExternalId;
use Orcid\Work\Work;

/** @var Work $record */

$externalIds= $record->externals();

foreach ($externalIds as $externalId){
    assert($externalId instanceof ExternalId);
    $idType = $externalId->type();
    $idValue = $externalId->value(); 
    $idUrl = $externalId->url(); 
    $idRelationship = $externalId->relationship();