PHP code example of magium / request-firehose

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download magium/request-firehose library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


magium / request-firehose example snippets

    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Filesystem\Filesystem('/tmp/logfile')

 * To watch this in action execute `redis-cli` and call `blpop ingestion`.  Then run this file (`php push.php`).  Use this method if you want to "persist" the data (ensure that you
 * don't miss any, or if you want to round-robin data processing.
    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Redis\PushAdapter(
        new \Predis\Client('tcp://'),

 * To watch this in action execute `redis-cli` and call `subscribe ingestion`.  Then run this file (`php publish.php`).  Use this example if you do not want persistent data and/or
 * want multiple subscribers to watch the data.
    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Redis\PublishAdapter(
        new \Predis\Client('tcp://'),

 * To watch this in action execute `redis-cli` and call `subscribe ingestion`.  Then run 
 * `php -S publish_log_file.php`).  Use this example if you do not want persistent data and/or
 * want multiple subscribers to watch the data, or if you want to tail the log file for your entire cluster you can
 * execute:
 *  stdbuf -oL redis-cli --raw subscribe ingestion | grep -v -E 'message|ingestion'
    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Redis\PublishAdapter(
        new \Predis\Client('tcp://'),
        new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Filter\LogfileFilter()

 * To watch this in action log in to your MongoDB instance and execute this file.  Once you have executed this file
 * check your mongo DB.  You should see the results there.
$client = new \MongoDB\Client();
$collection = $client->selectCollection('analysis', 'requests');
    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\MongoDb\MongoDb(

 * Run this file (`php filesystem.php`).  Run `tail -f /tmp/testfile` to watch the output.

    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Filesystem\Filesystem('/tmp/testfile')

 * To watch this in action execute `redis-cli` and call `subscribe ingestion`.  Then run
 * `php -S publish_log_file.php`.  Use this example if you want to watch your system by grepping
 * the Redis subscription output, but also want to store the requests in MongoDB for later analysis.
 * stdbuf -oL redis-cli --raw subscribe ingestion | grep -v -E 'message|ingestion'
$aggregate = new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Aggregate\AggregateAdapter();
$aggregate[] = new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\Redis\PublishAdapter(
    new \Predis\Client('tcp://'),
    new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Filter\LogfileFilter()

$client = new \MongoDB\Client();
$collection = $client->selectCollection('analysis', 'requests');
$aggregate[] = new \Magium\RequestFirehose\Adapter\MongoDb\MongoDb(
