PHP code example of maer / router

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maer/router library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maer / router example snippets

// Load composers autoloader

// Define routes
$r->get('/', function() {
    return "Hello there";

// It also works with:
$r->post('/', function() {});
$r->put('/', function() {});
$r->delete('/', function() {});
$r->patch('/', function() {});
$r->options('/', function() {});
$r->head('/', function() {});
$r->connect('/', function() {});
$r->trace('/', function() {});
$r->any('/', function() {}); // Catches all methods

// ...or if you want to use some non-standard HTTP verb
$r->add('SOMEVERB', '/', function() {});

// ...or if you want to define multiple verbs at once
$r->add(['GET', 'POST', ...], function() {});

// Dispatch the router
$response = $r->dispatch();

echo $response;

// Match any alpha [a-z] character
$r->get('/something/(:alpha)', function($param) {
    // Do stuff

// Match any numeric [0-9.,] character. It can also start with a -
$r->get('/something/(:num)', function($param) {
    // Do stuff

// Match any alphanumeric [a-z0-9] character
$r->get('/something/(:alphanum)', function($param) {
    // Do stuff

// Match any character (except /) [^/] character
$r->get('/something/(:any)', function($param) {
    // Do stuff

// Catch-all. Match all routes, including / (.*)
$r->get('/something/(:any)', function($param) {
    // Do stuff

// Append ? to making a parameter optional.
$r->get('/something/(:alpha)?', function($param = null){
    // Matches /something and /something/anything

// Combine mutliple placeholders
$r->get('/something/(:alpha)/(:any)/(:alphanum)?', function($param, $param2, $param3 = null) {
    // Do stuff

// Anonymous function
$r->get('/', function() {
    // Something

// Class method
$r->get('/', ['Namespace\ClassName', 'methodName']);
// or
$r->get('/', 'Namespace\ClassName@methodName');

// Static class method
$r->get('/', 'Namespace\ClassName::methodName');

// Defining filters
$r->filter('myfilter', function() {
    // Do some magic stuff.

$r->filter('anotherfilter', function() {
    // Do some magic stuff.

// Add filter to your routes
$r->get('/something/', function() {

}, ['before' => 'myfilter', 'after' => 'anotherfilter']);

// Add multiple filters by combining them with |
$r->get('/something/', function() {

}, ['before' => 'myfilter|anotherfilter']);

// Name a route
$r->get('/something', function() {

}, ['name' => 'some-page']);

// Resolve a named route
echo $r->getRoute('some-page');
// Returns: /something

// With route parameters
$r->get('/something/(:any)/(:any)', function($param1, $param2) {


// Resolve and pass values for the placeholders
echo $r->getRoute('some-page', ['first', 'second']);
// Returns: /something/first/second


$r->getRoute('some-page', [], true);
// Returns:


$r->group(['before' => 'a_before_filter'], function($r) {

    $r->get('/', function() {

    // Just keep defining routes


$r->group(['prefix' => '/admin'], function() {

    // This matches: /admin
    $r->get('/', function() {


    // This matches: /admin/something
    $r->get('/something', function() {



$r->crud('/posts', 'PostsController', [
    'name' => 'posts',

$r->get('/posts', 'PostsController@many', [
    'name' => 'posts.many'

$r->get('/posts/(:any)', 'PostsController@one', [
    'name' => ''

$r->post('/posts', 'PostsController@create', [
    'name' => 'posts.create'

$r->put('/posts/(:any)', 'PostsController@update', [
    'name' => 'posts.update'

$r->delete('/posts/(:any)', 'PostsController@delete', [
    'name' => 'posts.delete'

// A simple redirect
$r->redirect('/from/path', '/to/path');

// It works with absolute targets as well
$r->redirect('/foo', '');

// You can also register a named route as target
$r->redirect('/foo', null, [
    'route' => ['someRouteName'],
    // Add route arguments, if needed
    'params'  => ['argument1', 'argument2', ...]

// If you want to redirect using another http code than 307 (default)
$r->redirect('/foo', '/bar', [
    'code' => 301

// Make a redirect to a named route
$r->toRoute('someRouteName', [

// With another http code than 307 (default)
$r->toRoute('someRouteName', [], 301);

$response = $r->dispatch('GET', '/some/url');

$r->get('/', function() {

}, ['before' => 'beforefilter', 'after' => 'afterfilter', 'name' => 'somename']);

$route = $r->getMatch('GET', '/');

// Returns:
// object =>
//     pattern   => "/group1"
//     name      => "somename",
//     callback  => object(Closure)#8 (0) {}
//     before    => ['beforefilter'],
//     after     => ['afterfilter'],
//     args      => []
//     method    => "GET"

$response = $r->executeCallback('beforefilter');

$r->notFound(function() {
    return "Ops! The page was not found!";

// Callbacks can be in all the same formats as for routes

$r->methodNotAllowed(function() {
    return "Ops! Method not allowed!";

// Callbacks can be in all the same formats as for routes

$r->resolver(function($callback) use($container) {
    // The argument will always be an array with ['Class', 'method']
    return [