PHP code example of madmis / kuna-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download madmis/kuna-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


madmis / kuna-api example snippets

use cryptopupua\KunaApi\Api;
use cryptopupua\KunaApi\Exception\IncorrectResponseException;
use cryptopupua\KunaApi\KunaApi;
use cryptopupua\KunaApi\Model\History;
use cryptopupua\KunaApi\Model\MyAccount;
use cryptopupua\KunaApi\Model\Order;
use cryptopupua\KunaApi\Model\Ticker;

$api = new KunaApi(
    'public key',
    'secret key'
$timestamp = $api->shared()->timestamp();

$issue = $api->signed()->activeOrders(Http::PAIR_ETHUAH, true);

// Result
    class madmis\KunaApi\Model\Order {
        protected $id => 10003
        protected $side => "sell"
        protected $ordType => "limit"
        protected $price => 10000
        protected $avgPrice => 0
        protected $state => "wait"
        protected $market => "ethuah"
        protected $createdAt => DateTime
        protected $volume => 0.01
        protected $volume => 0.01
        protected $remainingVolume => 0.01
        protected $executedVolume => 0
        protected $tradesCount => 0

class madmis\ExchangeApi\Exception\ClientException {
  private $request => class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request
  private $response => NULL
  protected $message => "cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused (see"

class madmis\ExchangeApi\Exception\ClientException {
  private $request => class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request 
  private $response => class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response {
    private $reasonPhrase => "Unauthorized"
    private $statusCode => 401
  protected $message => "Client error: 401"

try {
    $api->signed()->activeOrders(Http::PAIR_ETHUAH, true);
} catch (madmis\ExchangeApi\Exception\ClientException $ex) {
    // any actions (log error, send email, ...) 

    $timestamp = $api->shared()->timestamp();

     $tickers = $api->shared()->tickers('btcuah');

     $orders = $api->shared()->orderBook('btcuah');

     $orders = $api->shared()->asksOrderBook('btcuah');

     $orders = $api->shared()->bidsOrderBook('btcuah');

     $orders = $api->shared()->tradesHistory('btcuah');

     $orders = $api->signed()->me();

     $orders = $api->signed()->createBuyOrder('btcuah', 1.00, 350000, true);

     $orders = $api->signed()->createSellOrder('btcuah', 1.00, 420000, true);

     $orders = $api->signed()->cancelOrder(124578, true);

     $orders = $api->signed()->activeOrders('btcuah', true);

     $orders = $api->signed()->myHistory('btcuah', true);