PHP code example of madesimple / slim-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download madesimple/slim-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


madesimple / slim-auth example snippets

use Slim\Middleware\Authentication\SimpleTokenAuthentication;
/** @var \Slim\App $app The Slim application */
/** @var string $pattern Pattern for either the group or a route */
/** @var callable $callable A callable for a route */

// Add to all routes:
$app->add(new SimpleTokenAuthentication($app->getContainer(), $options));

// Add to a group of routes:
$app->group($pattern, function () {})
    ->add(new SimpleTokenAuthentication($app->getContainer(), $options));

// Add to a specific route:
$app->get($pattern, $callable)
    ->add(new SimpleTokenAuthentication($app->getContainer(), $options));

    // boolean - whether to enforce an https connection
    'secure'      => true,
    // array - list of hostnames/IP addresses to ignore the secure flag
    'relaxed'     => ['localhost', ''],
    // array - list of environment variables to check for the token (set to an empty array to skip)
    // string - the header to check for the token (set to false, null, or '' to skip)
    'header'      => 'X-Auth',
    // string - the regex to match the token ($match[$options['index']] is used as the token)
    'regex'       => '/(.*)/',
    // integer - the regex index to use as the token
    'index'       => 1,
    // string - the cookie to check for the token (set to false, null, or '' to skip)
    'cookie'      => 'X-Auth',
    // string - the identifier for the token in the payload
    'payload'     => null,
    // string - the name to store the token in the request attributes
    'attribute'   => 'token',
    // object - an instance of a Psr\LoggerInterface
    'logger'      => null,

    // callable - function to validate the token [

function ($token): bool {
    /** @var bool $isValid Populated by this function, true if the token is valid */
    return $isValid;

    // string - Overrides the default regex
    'regex' => '/Bearer\s+(.*)$/i',

    // string - JWT secret [384'],
