PHP code example of machuga / authority-l4

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download machuga/authority-l4 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


machuga / authority-l4 example snippets


    'Authority' => 'Authority\AuthorityL4\Facades\Authority',

	Authority::can('update', 'SomeModel');

	php artisan config:publish machuga/authority-l4


	return array(

		'initialize' => function($authority) {
			$user = $authority->getCurrentUser();

			//action aliases
			$authority->addAlias('manage', array('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'));
        	$authority->addAlias('moderate', array('read', 'update', 'delete'));

        	//an example using the `hasRole` function, see below examples for more details
        		$authority->allow('manage', 'all');


	php artisan migrate --package="machuga/authority-l4"

	public function roles() {
        return $this->belongsToMany('Role');

    public function permissions() {
        return $this->hasMany('Permission');

	public function hasRole($key) {
		foreach($this->roles as $role){
			if($role->name === $key)
				return true;
		return false;

	class Role extends Eloquent {}

	class Permission extends Eloquent {}


	return array(

		'initialize' => function($authority) {

			$user = $authority->getCurrentUser();

			//action aliases
			$authority->addAlias('manage', array('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'));
        	$authority->addAlias('moderate', array('read', 'update', 'delete'));

        	//an example using the `hasRole` function, see below examples for more details
        	if($user->hasRole('admin')) {
        		$authority->allow('manage', 'all');

			// loop through each of the users permissions, and create rules
			foreach($user->permissions as $perm) {
				if($perm->type == 'allow') {
					$authority->allow($perm->action, $perm->resource);
				} else {
					$authority->deny($perm->action, $perm->resource);


	//If you added the alias to `app/config/app.php` then you can access Authority, from any Controller, View, or anywhere else in your Laravel app like so:
	if( Authority::can('create', 'User') ) {
			'username' => '[email protected]'

	//If you just chose to use the service provider, you can use the IoC container to resolve your instance
	$authority = App::make('authority');

	    Authority::allow('read', 'User');

	    Authority::allow('manage', 'User', function($self, $user){
		    return $self->getCurrentUser()->id === $user->id;

	    Authority::deny('create', 'User');

	    Authority::deny('delete', 'User', function ($self, $user) {
            return $self->getCurrentUser()->id === $user->id;

	    Authority::can('read', 'User', $user);

	    Authority::cannot('create', 'User');

	    Authority::alias('manage', array('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'));