PHP code example of mach3builders / ui

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download mach3builders/ui library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


mach3builders / ui example snippets

public function store()
    alert('message', 'succes');

@component('ui::actions.delete', ['action' => "/user/{$user->id}"])
    Are you sure you want to delete {{ $user->name }}

@component('ui::actions.delete', ['action' => "/model/{$id}"])
    {!! trans('taxes.delete-body') !!}



return (new MailMessage)
        ->line('One of your invoices has been paid!')
        ->action('View Invoice', $url)
        ->line('Thank you for using our application!');

return view('ui::invoices.subscription', [
	'customer_company_name' => 'PKHold BV',
	'customer_name' => 'Paul Kruijt',
	'customer_street' => 'Piet Mondriaansingel 30',
	'customer_zipcode' => '3059 PD',
	'customer_city' => 'Rotterdam',
  	'customer_country' => 'Nederland',
  	'invoice_number' => 'M3B-000001',
  	'invoice_date' => '01-01-2021',
  	'payment_id' => 'tr_qwerty',
  	'platform_name' => 'Mach3Platform',
  	'plan_name' => 'Professional',
  	'plan_info' => 'Betaald voor Mach3Builders',
  	'plan_period' => '01-01-2021 tot 01-01-2022',
  	'plan_price' => '€ 19,95',
  	'invoice_tax' => '€ 4,19',
  	'invoice_total' => '€ 24,14',
  	'payment_method' => 'iDEAL',

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --force