PHP code example of maba / math

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download maba/math library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


maba / math example snippets

var_dump(intval(9223372036854775807 + 1));
// int(-9223372036854775808)

var_dump(5.2 * 3 === 15.6);
// bool(false)

var_dump((8 + 92233720368547750) * 1500 / 1500 - 92233720368547750);
// float(16)

use Maba\Component\Math\BcMath;
use Maba\Component\Math\Math;
use Maba\Component\Math\NumberFormatter;

$basicMathImplementation = new BcMath();
$math = new Math($basicMathImplementation);

var_dump($math->add('9223372036854775807', '1'));
// string(40) "9223372036854775808.00000000000000000000"
var_dump($math->isEqual($math->mul('5.2', '3'), '15.6'));
// bool(true)
var_dump($math->sub($math->div($math->mul($math->add('8', '92233720368547750'), '1500'), '1500'), '92233720368547750'));
// string(22) "8.00000000000000000000"

$result = $math->pow($math->mul('3.141592653589793', '2.71828182845904523536'), 13);

$formatter = new NumberFormatter($math);
echo $formatter->formatNumber($result, 4, '.', ' '); // prints 1 284 625 710 591.2256