PHP code example of m4aax16 / kinguin-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download m4aax16/kinguin-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


m4aax16 / kinguin-laravel example snippets

use m4aax16\kinguin\Client;
use m4aax16\kinguin\Product;
use m4aax16\kinguin\Order;
use m4aax16\kinguin\User;
use m4aax16\kinguin\Region; 

 $kinguinClient = new Client("YOUR-API-KEY-HERE");

//This function will fetch 25 products per Page, it's a default value by Kinguin

 $page = 1; 
 $products = Product::getPage($page); // $page is NOT 

foreach($products['results'] as $product)
	$product['kinguinId']; //Accessing product attribute Id => Output : INT
	$product['name']; //Accessing product attribute name => Output : STRING
	//accessing other objects of product
	//Example : Screenshots
	$screenshots = $product['screenshots'];
	foreach($screenshots as $screenshot)

$itemsPerPage = 100; // Max. products per page is 100
$pageCount = Product::getPagesCount($itemsPerPage); // $itemsPerPage is NOT 

$productId = 5; //set the kinguinId of product

$product = Product::getProduct($productId); //returns detailed information about this product

Region::getRegions(); //returns all regions, the array key is the id of the region

$regions = Region::getRegions();

foreach($regions as $regionId => $value)
	echo $regionId; //region id
	echo " ";
	echo $value; //region name
	echo "</br>";

$regionId = 1; // Id 1 is "Europe"
$region = Region::getRegionById($regionId); 

echo $region; //Output will be a STRING

$balance = User::getBalance(); // Output is a FLOAT, Example: 20439.99

$productId = 195; // ProductId is Warhammer for Steam
$qty = 1;
$price = 0.59;

//All parameter all erId: 26983294"
								  // $couponCode is a optional parameter

$dispatch = Order::dispatchOrder($orderId);    //returns:  "dispatchId:	19036724"
$dispatchId = $dispatch['dispatchId'];

$keys = Order::getOrderKeys($dispatchId);

/* Example Output :
        serial	"SOME-ACTIVATION-KEY"
        type	"text/plain" //Key types are text or image
        name	"Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Steam CD Key"
        kinguinId	195

$kgOrderId = "9XQ3FFRQKVL";
$keys = Order::getOrderKeyById($kgOrderId);

/* Example Output :
	serial	"Real_1942  XYYG8-4GBCC-ILMFM"
	type	"text/plain"
	name	"Real 1942 Steam CD Key"
	kinguinId	57083
	productId	"5c9b787a2539a4e8f184354a"
	offerId	"5fa56a6d9c2506000196e12a"

   $productId = 0; //set the kinguinId of product

    $product = Product::getProduct($productId); //returns detailed information about this product

    //Check the method getStatusCode exists
      //If the status code is higher than 200
      if($product->getStatusCode() > 200){
        //This method return the full error message inline
        $errFull = $product->getData()->error;

        //This method return only the Kinguin Error Code
        $errCode = $product->getData()->response->code;
        //This method return the error message
        $errMessage = $product->getData()->response->message;

        echo "Full Error : ".$errFull."</br>";
        echo "Error Code : ".$errCode."</br>";
        echo "Error Message : ".$errMessage."</br>";

        /* Example ouputs : 
                1. If the client is not authorized =>

                Full Error : Client error: `GET` resulted in a `401 Unauthorized` response: {"code":2401,"message":"Full authentication is