PHP code example of lyrasoft / feedback

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lyrasoft/feedback library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lyrasoft / feedback example snippets

$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor('lyrasoft/feedback', 'ini');

// OR

$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor(\Lyrasoft\Feedback\FeedbackPackage::class, 'ini');

return [
    // ...

    __DIR__ . '/comment-seeder.php',
    __DIR__ . '/rating-seeder.php',

    // ...

foreach ($articleIds as $articleId) {
    foreach (range(1, random_int(2, 5)) as $i) {
        $userId = $faker->randomElement($userIds);

        $item = $commentService->addComment(
            extra: function (Comment $item) use ($faker) {
                $item->setOrdering($item->count() + 1);

// Comment: Article
$menu->link('評論管理: 文章')
    ->to($nav->to('comment_list')->var('type', 'article'))
    ->icon('fal fa-comments');

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\CommentService $commentService */
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID
    'Comment Text...', // Content
    $user->getId(), // User ID

use Lyrasoft\Feedback\Entity\Comment;

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\CommentService $commentService */
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID
    'Comment Text...', // Content
    $user->getId(), // User ID
    // The extra can be callback or array
    extra: function (Comment $comment) {
        $comment->setRating(5); // If user mark as 5 star
        $comment->setNickname('Another nickname');

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\CommentService $commentService */
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID
    'Comment Text...', // Content
    $user->getId(), // User ID or User entity
    extra: function (Comment $comment) {
        // This optional if you want to set ordering to one comment
        $comment->setOrdering($comment->count() + 1);

// Or reorder all comments of one target item.
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\CommentService $commentService */

    $comment, // Can be ID or entity
    'Reply text...',
    $user->getId(), // User ID or User entity

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\CommentService $commentService */

$childComment = $commentService->addSubReply(
    $parentComment, // Can be ID or entity
    'Reply text...',
    $user->getId(), // User ID or User entity
    extra: function (Comment $comment) {
        // Configure comment entity before save

// Optional: if you want to reorder it.
    $parentComment->getType(), // Type
    $parentComment->getTargetId(), // Target ID
    $parentComment->getId(), // Parent ID

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\CommentService $commentService */

// Create Comment Item
$comment = $commentService->createCommentItem($type, $targetId, 'text...', $user);

// count Comments
$count = $commentService->countComments($type, $targetId);

// Reorder 
$commentService->reorderComments($type, $targetId);

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\RatingService $ratingService */
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID
    $user->getId(), // User ID

use Lyrasoft\Feedback\Entity\Rating;

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\RatingService $ratingService */
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID
    $user->getId(), // User ID
    // The extra can be callback or array
    extra: function (Rating $rating) {
        $rating->setRank(4.5); // If user mark as 4.5 star

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\RatingService $ratingService */
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID
    $user->getId(), // User ID or User entity
    extra: function (Rating $rating) {
        // This optional if you want to set ordering to one comment
        $rating->setOrdering($rating->count() + 1);

// Or reorder all comments of one target item.
    'flower', // Type
    $targetId, // Target ID

/** @var \Lyrasoft\Feedback\Service\RatingService $ratingService */

// Calc average rank
$avg = $ratingService->calcAvgRank($type, $targetId);

// Get rating item or check is rated
$item = $ratingService->getRating($type, $targetId);
$bool = $ratingService->isRated($type, $targetId);

return [
    'feedback' => [
        // ...

        'rating' => [
            'ajax_type_protect' => true,
            'ajax_allow_types' => [
                '...' // <-- Add your new types here

use Lyrasoft\Feedback\Repository\RatingRepository;

    // In any repository

    public function getFrontListSelector(?User $user = null): ListSelector
        $selector = $this->getListSelector();

        if ($user && $user->isLogin()) {
        // ...

php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/feedback -t lang