PHP code example of lyquidity / xml-signer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download lyquidity/xml-signer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


lyquidity / xml-signer example snippets

		new SignedDocumentResourceInfo( 
			__DIR__ . '/my-existing-signature.xml', 
			XAdES::SignatureRootId, // optional id

XAdES::verifyDocument( '' );

use lyquidity\xmldsig\CertificateResourceInfo;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\InputResourceInfo;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\KeyResourceInfo;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\ResourceInfo;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\XAdES;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\xml\SignatureProductionPlaceV2;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\xml\SignerRoleV2;
use lyquidity\xmldsig\XMLSecurityDSig;

	new InputResourceInfo(
		' for nba.xml', // The source document
		ResourceInfo::url, // The source is a url
		__DIR__, // The location to save the signed document
		'hashes for nba with signature.xml' // The name of the file to save the signed document in
	new CertificateResourceInfo( '...some path to a signing certificate...', ResourceInfo::file ),
	new KeyResourceInfo( '...some path to a correspondoing private key...', ResourceInfo::file ),
	new SignatureProductionPlaceV2(
		'My city',
		'My address', // This is V2 only
		'My region',
		'My postcode',
		'My country code'
	new SignerRoleV2(
		'canonicalizationMethod' => XMLSecurityDSig::C14N,
		'addTimestamp' => false // Include a timestamp? Can specify an alternative TSA url eg '' 

new SignerRoleV2(
	new ClaimedEoles(
			new ClaimedRole('CEO')

ResourceInfo::string | ResourceInfo::pem

	new SignedDocumentResourceInfo( 
		' for nba with signature.xml', 
		'source-sig-id', // this identifies the signature being counter signed
		XMLSecurityDSig::generateGUID('counter-signature-') // A unique id for this signature
	'... path to a certificate file ...', // or a CertificateResourceInfo instance
	'... path to the certificate private key file ...', // or a KeyResourceInfo instance
	new SignatureProductionPlaceV2(
		'New Malden',
		'16 Lynton Road', // This is V2 only
		'KT3 5EE',
	new SignerRoleV2(
		new ClaimedRoles( new ClaimedRole('Chief legal counsel') )

	new InputResourceInfo(
		' for nba.xml', // The source document
		ResourceInfo::url, // The source is a url
		__DIR__, // The location to save the signed document
		'hashes for nba with timestamped signature.xml', // The name of the file to save the signed document in
	null // An optional url to an alternative timestamp authority (TSA)

if ( ! openssl_pkcs12_read( file_get_contents( '/path_to_pkcs12_file/my.p12' ), $store, '<passphrase>' ) )
    echo "Oops unable to open the file\n";

new CertificateResourceInfo( $store['cert'], ResourceInfo::string | ResourceInfo::binary | ResourceInfo::pem ),
new KeyResourceInfo( $store['pkey'], ResourceInfo::string() | ResourceInfo::binary | ResourceInfo::pem ),

	$input = new InputResourceInfo(
		' for nba.xml', // The source document
		ResourceInfo::url, // The source is a url
		__DIR__, // The location to save the signed document
		'hashes for nba with signature.xml' // The name of the file to save the signed document in

	$input->uri = 'TheIdValue';
php composer.phar